I am based in Dublin, but I am really anxious to get away to any of the canaries if possible, for a break at easter. Unfortunately I can only get away between 31/3/07 and 17 April. This seems to coincide with school hols in UK and Ireland. To fly out of Dublin Aer lingus is quoting ridiculous prices each way to tenerife or lanzarote, so have decided to look into the possibility of connecting through the UK. I have never done this before and I dont know will it save me in the long run. Dont know where to start. Id even take a package through UK, if I couldnt get the flights.
Has anyone any suggestions of any airlines offering decent value flights. Any airport pretty much suits as I will have to fly from dublin to it anyway. So frustrated , they really seem to inflate prices with school holidays.
Hope someone can help as I am desperate for a break to look forward to with exams looming in two weeks time
Thanks a mill