i have been a member on here since 2005, and i have noticed this site get quieter by the year. i'm going on holiday this wednesday to ibiza and my hotel has only recieved 3 reviews since july 09. i still come on here regular but i find now i can get more info from trip advisor. there has been 108 reviews for my hotel from august 09.
hope holiday truths gets back to its glory days.
just noticed i actually became a member in nov 2004.
hope i haven't upset anyone by mentioning trip advisor.
regards tracey
Web forum traffic varies not only depending on season but is often linked to the economy, depending on how many folk are going on holiday, where they're going and also whether there is unrest in the travel industry!!
It's normal to have this variation ... and sometimes what seems to be a good topic has already been covered in the past so there seem to be less new posts appearing. There's a great team of Mods and Admin here who make sure that posts don't get duplicated, so often posts get merged. That said, new input is always welcome.
I don't think you've caused any harm in mentioning Trip Advisor. All back up resources are welcome, but you have to keep your brain engaged when reading it, as with this forum's reports, to be sure you can sift out people's particular 'pet hates' from a real problem with a resort or hotel.
That said, new members are always welcome!

I sometimes think the merging of posts has a negative effect. Often the people who can provide the answers won't re-look in an existing thread as they've already had an input in it or read it! Especially when you ask a simple question which could be answered in 30 seconds and it gets moved to a thread already 60 pages long that not as many people will look at! Theres plenty of things i haven't bothered asking here knowing the post will get moved or I'll be asked to look through 60 pages to find my answer. Instead I just post on trip advisor, get my answer and the thread dissapears within a day off the page anyway!
The only hestitation I have is that surprisingly more often than I like to admit I get bored now with answering the same question when I know people , myself included have answered with long , time consuming posts many times before . It does'nt irritate me at all that people dont use the search facility but I know it does many here .
For me the difference in TA to here is that I only use TA as a source of info .I ask questions and then dissapear and very rarely help others and follow individual forums for very long. I do of course always thank people and I do usually post my review there too but really only as a thank you for any help I get . I dont find it as warm & friendly there . My loyalty and passion for all things holiday stay with HT and I am always happy to help others here even though sometimes I get pee'd
when an OP never comes back again with a thank you for the hour I have spent on a post.
I do think many more people read the reviews on TA and it is the first port of call for many who are solely looking for a review . On my return from holiday a couple weeks ago I posted my review here and on TA and have been amazed at the amount of people that have pmed me(14 in a week) with a query linked from that review . I wonder if it is possible if we can do something similar here but with a link to the forum in some way and not by pm as they do there.
you got me wondering, so i have checked my reviews and yes i have left one for every holiday i have had since becoming a member. i had 2 holidays last year one to fuerteventura staying at the castillo san jorge in aug and one to majorca staying at the condes de alcudia in oct .my two reviews for these hotels are the last to be written

i also agree with the merging of post its so annoying to have to trail though pages and pages of old posts.
regards tracey
I also find the advice here excellent, and I trust contributers here in a way that I wouldn't on TA.
I have helped people on TA via pm when asked, but with the exception of one recent dialogue I had with someone who was greatful for advice and came back to me after their holiday to let me know how they got on, thanks are few and far between!
I have only been annoyed on HT once with a pm conversation - luckily the rude poeple seem to be in the minority here!
This is far and away the best holiday review site in my opinion.
The "Team" as well as members keep pushing for people to post reviews but with many once they have got the answer to their question they don't bother. Pity really as I, like many others, do spend some time looking at other site reviews, although the only one I really trust is HT. Apart from the complaint section I have found those on HT are more likely to be written objectively.
I agree combining topics can be a pain but I also find it frustrating when, as recently we had 3 topics going on the same thing. Yes they were different queries but some of the information in each applied to the others. There has been a change in recent times with some long standing members no longer posting or reducing their own contributions because of the manner in which some people (only a few) have replied. Members on HT tend to tell it as it is rather than posting platitudes. Not always is it the answer some want so they respond by berating those who try to help.
As a point of interest I found this site. I was quite amused at the description and make up of the membership.
Personally I consider HT as the only place I can get genuine unbiased information and help. The title of the site sums it all up really.
The only hestitation I have is that surprisingly more often than I like to admit I get bored now with answering the same question when I know people , myself included have answered with long, time consuming posts many times before . It does'nt irritate me at all that people dont use the search facility but I know it does many here .
Lyn is clearly more good natured than I am

I think that the Mods and Admin do a good job of trying to create FAQ threads by merging topics and doing 'stickies' for the most common topics but that will only work if people do read through them. I must admit that part of my irritation stems from the implied, even if unintentional, judgement that a poster's time is too valuable for them to waste time reading through a long thread where they might find the answer to their question but that those who have the information obviously have all the time in the world to keep answering the same question.

I think that the Mods and Admin do a good job of trying to create FAQ threads by merging topics and doing 'stickies' for the most common topics
I thank you for your comment, as a point on one forum [at the request of a member] I created 2 threads a Restaurant recommendation [which covers all resorts] thread and a what to do and see thread, STILL Most of the questions [apart from hotel info] are what is there to do and where are the best places to eat in XXYYZZ resort, the same also applies to weather questions most [if not all] have a weather sticky with a link to wonderground where you can look back at the history over the years
With regards the merging of topics it is also worthwhile mentioning that members may be subscribed to the topic it is going to be merged to and would get an email notification advising them of a new post. That wouldn't happen if we didn't merge the post
But it's probably an inevitability with so many seasoned travellers & the excellent advice given in the past that there are fewer questions needed to be asked.
Just like to thank everyone who has given me advice over the years & the mods for doing such a great job keeping the site so friendly & civilised!

I do sometimes get a little brassed when loads of people take the time and trouble to give a detailed answer to a post for someone only for them to never visit HT again or even have the courtesy to say Thanks.
Trip advisor is what it is..and you have to filter through it and sort the wheat from the chaff.
Just my opinion
For example
I have responded to the original question with my own personal view based on experience , That's my view .
I have no wish to argue the toss ? It will not change my view based past experience,maybe some people would be wise to realise that some say tomado and some say tomato

This forum is a truly great fountain of information and experience, can we just let the mods "police" things ??
Nobody seems to be shouting anyone down or trying to belittle anyone elses opinion..we are all adults here after all and should know how to debate a point without it resorting to a slag off free for all.
I would see myself as a long serving member here and I would honestly say in all my 1000 odd postings, I have never ever intentionally been rude to anyone asking any question no matter how daft I may inwardly think it to be..in fact, most members go out of their way to help a new member find thier way around the forum. If you had a bad experience when a new member..then you were unfortunate but I don't think it should put you off advising any other new member, nor do I think anyone would have gone out of thier way to be deliberately nasty to you.
Justval wrote:Nobody seems to be shouting anyone down or trying to belittle anyone elses opinion..we are all adults here after all and should know how to debate a point without it resorting to a slag off free for all.
Indeed Val but I was just answering yes or no to a yes or no question, I see no need for people to question my reply and push there opinion onto me?
Each to there own eh ??
I must admit I go on TA, and use it as a source of information too, I like their solo travellers section which we don't have here unless some one starts one thread, but the information here is great when you know the right people to ask. I think this place is more 'social' than TA
MilleMiglia wrote:Justval wrote:Nobody seems to be shouting anyone down or trying to belittle anyone elses opinion..we are all adults here after all and should know how to debate a point without it resorting to a slag off free for all.
Indeed Val but I was just answering yes or no to a yes or no question, I see no need for people to question my reply and push there opinion onto me?
Each to there own eh ??
I am guessing this was aimed at me - I wasn't trying to shout you down at all - just saying I had a different experience to you thats all - I'm sorry if you thought you were being 'got at'
Miss Pink wrote:MilleMiglia wrote:Justval wrote:Nobody seems to be shouting anyone down or trying to belittle anyone elses opinion..we are all adults here after all and should know how to debate a point without it resorting to a slag off free for all.
Indeed Val but I was just answering yes or no to a yes or no question, I see no need for people to question my reply and push there opinion onto me?
Each to there own eh ??
I am guessing this was aimed at me - I wasn't trying to shout you down at all - just saying I had a different experience to you thats all - I'm sorry if you thought you were being 'got at'
Thank you,
why bring a beef from one thread into another?
It is probably things like that that put people off posting.
Still each to thier own eh.

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