Yes I did have insurance at the time. What is annoying me is that although I had one narrowing artery, every other test I did came out as normal. My heart is not damaged at all. The only way they knew I had had an attack was the blood test. ( I had no idea I had had an attack. )Tesco won't even look at me and I was told they were unlikely to ever accept me.
I think I need to just get on with it- its knocked my confidence a bit!
It might be worth looking at Staysure, Fiona, when she was still travelling abroad we were able to get decent single trip quotes for my Mum as an 80+ woman with angina. Taking out an annual policy was very expensive but by that stage she was only doing 1 or 2 trips per year and just getting separate insurance for each one worked out much cheaper.
Thanks Sma. Good that I have another thumbs up for it.
Following my triple by-pass in September 2015 I asked the hospital whether I would have difficulty getting travel insurance. They said there shouldn't be a problem as the trouble had been sorted out. I haven't had a chance to put this to the proot yet, as by the time I had fully recovered from the operation sciatica decided to appear, swiftly followed by a worsening of my osteoporosis.
The clincher was that they didn't heavily load the premium to provide cover in the event of me needing to cancel due to illness on my Mum's part. For example, Virgin were giving me really competitive cheap quotes to cover me and my pre-existing conditions but the minute I got to the questions about the medical history of anybody who wasn't travelling with me but whom if they fell ill I would cancel my holiday, then the premiums started to sky rocket! It really annoyed me because, yes, she has been diagnosed with angina and, yes, she does conscientiously carry a spray everywhere with her to use if she ever develops chest pain and/or difficulty breathing. But in over 10 years she's never needed to use it - I have to regularly check the use by date and I'm ending up having to request a repeat prescription for it and then throwing the old one away with the seal intact. The fact that she's not had an angina attack in over 10 years cut no ice with Virgin whilst Staysure just asked if she'd been hospitalised in the last 2 years. So you might find that it will be expensive with them first off but they do seem to then disregard anything that hasn't been an issue in the previous 2 years.
I will. It will be worth posting what various companies quote.
I tried to edit my post to say I have been promised a cortisone injection in September, so all being well I'll be back in Tunisia in October or November.
For some reason I did not see your last posts befire I posted.
Aslemma - I hope you get back to Tunisia soon. Sma- I think it might be the same for me- more expensive in the first couple of years.
Staysure still came up with an ok quote for the two of us for Boston - £200. But they have in the quote they have just sent an annual multi trip quote- the basic is£325 and the fully comprehensive is £392. This is for 2 of us. I think that is as good as I would expect so early on after my stent.
So the trick is - get the quote but don't buy that day!!
I've just done mine & Peter's for next year. Have a look at Puffin insurance they worked out very reasonable 👍
Edited by
Glynis HT Admin
2017-09-10 10:45:32
Thanks Glynis! I have taken Stay sure.
Fiona, I'm with Staysure and always found their quotes very reasonable - I've never needed to make a big claim with them but never had problems with smaller claims that don't seem to have resulted in big increases in the premiums.
It's reassuring to know
So I used the 14 day cooling off period to cancel it. I am now with Voyager and its actually costing £35 less with a higher ceiling of payouts. They are not interested in my detached retina operation as it was over 2 years ago. Voyager also send you a copy of the questions asked and my answers. Also this was through my insurance broker and they take over any claims I make. We have them for house and car insurance as well. I am just hoping they don't have to call back now!
Staysure??? Not so sure. Have out been around for awhile as I had an accident resulting in broken collar bone and a variety of ribs. I told them and they said no problem. The broken items would not covered until the specialist gave me the all clear which he has now done. Changed their minds now and want money as I might break them again. Pointed out I don't make a habit of such things, they said when I informed them originally that it was not a problem. Several telephone conversations and no further forward. I refuse to pay extra - If it was within the cooling off I would have cancelled.
It was when I was thinking of the initial call I made and all the things that they had to take into consideration- things tesco weren't bothered about . But then he wasn't interested in one of the medications I got after my ha. By the time I had finishe'd with the medical screening they had made me feel it is a miracle that I am still alive.
I was actually happy with the quote but after the other calls, I just didn't have faith in them. You have unfortunately proved me right.
I hope you win that battle. And that you begin to recover soon.
Nope, they won't insure me.
These companies make me so cross when they advertise that they'll cover pre-existing conditions and they don't..... Regardless of the cost of the premium.
Fwh, sorry to hear about your accident, glad to hear you're on the mend.
Sanji x
Sorry to hear about your accident, fwh, and what a runaround Staysure have given you, Fiona. I'm trying not to get anxious in advance of going to Cuba in just over 3 weeks time about having my travel insurance with Staysure! I think that the probable reason for them covering my pre-existing conditions at a vey reasonalbe cost is that I've been stable for a number of years now. Whether their attitude will change if that changes remains to be seen.

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