I have been looking through the long list of companies that cover travel insurance for the older generation and pre-existing medical conditions but i am struggling to find a company that insures people over 75 year old. can any one reccommend any other company that I could try.
Thank you
I think Nationwide cover up to the age of 79.
subsequently failed their 0870 screening. Still trying to get a refund but the silence is deafening.
Surely it's illegal to accept premiums and then refuse to insure?
You say that you paid online yesterday - when did you speak to someone on the phone? Was it the same day or did you do it this morning? The refund will always be done back to the card used for payment and this can take up to 3 days to actually show on your account. If you paid by debit card, in the first instance they will probably have only put a 'hold' on the money and in most cases any 'refund' will appear on your acount the next working day. But if you used a credit card the money will have been debited against your account immediately but the refund will take longer to appear as a credit against your account. In my experience, even if done as an over the counter refund in a shop, when the statement arrives it shows that it is usually credited to the account 3 working days later. If the premium has not been credited back to your account by first thing Friday then you should take it up with either your bank or the credit card company.
Many thanks for the advice... These screening lines seemed to be looking
These screening lines seemed to be looking
for healthy folk
Unfortunately, yes, that's what they are looking for! The more competitive the quote the more stringent the screening is likely to be - that's how they keep the premiums down. My mother has a whole raft of conditions and from long experience we know that there's no point in even trying the budget end of the travel insurance market. Even if they will accept her at her age the moment they hear about the amount of medications she takes for various conditions they either pile the premiums up or just refuse cover. We now stick with the same company - not the cheapest by any means but one that she now has a track record with. We've never needed to claim and so they can see that as these things go she's not actually that great a risk and we don't have any trouble with the screening process now. However, she turned 80 last week and I'm bracing myself for problems when we next try and get her cover. We'll just have to wait and see.
£2.5K for a 28 day trip to the USA! We are in the 65-70 age group and have
well controlled conditions dated back ten years. Still no word word of a refund from globaltravelinsurance.co.uk..

Have you tried Columbus direct. I got their name of this web site and I have found them very good.
I'm not quite 65 yet but do have heart problems and after insuring with them last year twice. I have now managed to get an annual worldwide cover at really good price.
Hope this helps
We are both over 65..Columbus seems to have an age ceiling.
i know they insure to 79 ,it cost me about £50.
you do not have to go through medical screening aslong as you can answer NO to 7 questions
ie:you have not had any treatment in the last 12months other than regular medication.
you cannot buy it online but if you look for fortis on your search engine,the website will tell you where your nearest broker is.
Thanks for the Fortis link.. There is a broker in nearby Bathgate..I shall phone them tomorrow. I doubt USA cover will be £60 but I suspect they are more competitive.
http://www.nationwide.co.uk I think they cover up to 79 years of age.
I tried Columbus, but they wouldn't cover me even excluding my medical condition.
We got cover for my MIL, who has several medical conditions, from I tried Columbus, but they wouldn't cover me even excluding my medical condition.

They are ignoring emails and have just hung-up on my 4th phone call.
I am contacting Worthing trading standards for advice.
Fortis broker wanted nearly £600 for 31 days USA

search, I vow never to go near another screening line again..they must be making a fortune on these 0870 phone numbers.

Columbus Direct earlier because you are over 65, but their upper age limit is 88. They also have a freephone number for quotes for pre-existing medical conditions: 0800 083 9503.
If required, you will find lots more recommended insurers on page 1 of this topic.
Hi UKoap ...you seem to have ruled out If required, you will find lots more recommended insurers on page 1 of this topic.

AXA had a good policy for pre-existing in as much as well controlled conditions were covered and if subject to claim the excesses were increased accordingly.
Far better paying a large excess than the prospect of losing one's home.

These Cholestral /statins racket is just that, a racket, a cash cow the insurance companies are milking to the full

I just feel sorry for the thousands of folk who travel each year thinking they are fully insured.

Rant over...
UKoap - I've also been doing some ranting over insurance - it's quite understandable!

Someone has recommended Age Concern for pre existing conditions.I will be looking for cover when our "free"insurance with the bank expires this year.
This is their health bumpth
Important conditions relating to health
To proceed you must be able to agree to the following important conditions relating to health on behalf of you and anyone else to be insured on this policy. You must comply with the following conditions to have the full protection of your policy. It is a condition of this policy that you will not be covered for any claims arising directly or indirectly from:
At the time of taking out this policy:
Any medical condition you have or have had for which:
symptoms or diagnosis has occurred within the last 12 months or
there has been a change in treatment (including medication, dosage, surgery, tests, investigations or diet) in the last 12 months.
Any medical condition where you, a close relative or a close business associate:
is waiting for an operation, hospital consultation (other than for regular check ups), or other hospital treatment or investigation.
has, within the last 6 months, been seen by a specialist (other than for regular check ups), had an operation or other hospital treatment or investigation.
have received a terminal prognosis.
have not had a diagnosis.
Any circumstances you are aware of that could reasonably be expected to give rise to a claim on this policy.
At any time:
Any medical condition you have in respect of which you are travelling against medical advice or for which you are travelling to obtain medical treatment abroad.
Any medical condition for which you are not taking the recommended treatment or prescribed medication as directed by a medical practitioner.
Pregnancy or childbirth where you are expected to give birth within eight weeks before the trip, during the trip or within eight weeks of the end of the trip.

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