Am i right in believing that when taking out holiday insurance you need from the time you book your holiday and not just the dates of the holiday ? also if only taking holiday cover for the dates needed and if for some reason (medical) you have to cancel are you covered through ABTA with proof of illness ? i am asking on behalf of others , as i have holiday insurance cover tied in with my mortgage , this also covers any of my family that reside at home .
Abta have nothing to do with personal insurance and claims and offer no cover for illness cancellations.
Need help looking for ANNUAL insurance cover not single trip
Does anyone on here know of a UK insurer who covers CHRONIC Pancreatitis -- not ACUTE I already know that is a definite no go but been down graded to Chronic (which means I am OK until the next time

Got to ring one (ALL CLEAR) as their website throws a wobbly when you input it
the main problem is 99% of insurers think Pancreatitis is caused by Alcoholism which in some cases is true but it is also caused by Gall Stones, Liver infections,Cancer, Glandular infections (Mumps Glandular Fever etc) and in MY case they believe it was Warfarin which I take for another problem, and also the disease can be deadly if not treated RAPIDLY correctly add to that diagnosis is ************ difficult as it causes so many other problems (diabetes, liver damage, bowel problems that mimic other diseases and so on and on) and then there is the PAIN which needs HUGE doses of Morphine just to control a bit.
I know that sounds like waffling on but I know that a lot of people have never heard of the disease so an explanation is a help and that is a bare bones I am writing a full one for publication later and it is already 4 pages long

Hope someone can help me need some sun soon and I am NOT going without insurance
Gray, have you looked at Page 1 of this topic for companies that have been recommended by members?
This is a warning about what you declare when applying for insurance. I have just seen the programme "Save my Holiday" on the BBC. They covered a very sad story about a lady who took ill on holiday and was hospitalized. Her daughter and son-in-law were with her and when they contacted the insurance co. they refused to pay out. The lady when asked on the form whether she had been in hospital in the last 6 months , ticked "no" and I'd have done the same. Seems they discovered she had been at the day hospital at some stage. I was shocked. I had occasion to be at the day hospital a few month's ago and not for anything serious so it would never have crossed my mind to declare that! The story went on to tell how the bill for this lady mounted to 80 odd Euros! Please be careful to declare everything.
€80,000 not €80 Digby
My insurers told me that I only had to declare if anyone had been admitted to hospital. I guess it depends on the insurance company.
If you sign a declaration in a hospital prior to an investigation/operation you have technically been admitted, even if you only stay in a day.
I didn't see the programme so I don't know what the lady in question had done, if anything, on her day visit.
Surely if you had undergone a surgical procedure, if only as a day patient, you would declare it anyway?
Sometimes it is just down to how good the individual insurance company is IMO.
Thank you Judith for correcting me there. I must be needing a holiday when I cannot differentiate between 80 and 80,000!
But that raises an interesting issue. My GPs and a couple of other practices merged in a new super health centre with it's own minor operating theatre so the Primary Car Trust doesn't have to pay the local Hospital Trust for minor operations. So you could be having the same treatment but wouldn't be "in hospital". I wonder how the insurance would view that?
Hello all, would just like to know if anyone used Insure and Go. had a decent quote for annual multi trip would like to know if anyone has encountered problems with them. Or if they come reccomended by anyone.
I was considering Insure and Go. However they don't cover cancellation or curtailment in respect of Close Relatives who have any health issues or are taking prescribed medication so that wasn't suitable for me.
Thanks,Luci. I have three weeks before current one expires,so might get some feedback.
Percy, if you go to the bottom left of this page, there is a search box which will search this thread only. Put "Insure and Go" in there and you should find previous mention of the company.
You've mentioned in a previous post back in 2008. Their insurance is only valid in the EU and depends on you having an EHIC card which gives you the medical cover, they don't provide that. They only insure stuff like cancellation, curtailment, repatriation etc. They don't exclude because of pre-existing conditions. Maybe if someone has used them, they could give an opinion?
might refund them. So a policy with no medical cover might not be a good idea.
But all insurers will expect you to carry an EHIC within the area and make an attempt to get free care with it.
Not used them but can see a problem. In a lot of countries the EHIC can be a pain to use or not provide all the services you'd expect on the NHS. The instructions say that bills for the missing bits can be submitted to the Department of Health when you get home and they But all insurers will expect you to carry an EHIC within the area and make an attempt to get free care with it.
I posted about the ehicplus when it was relatively new. However I have since read that it has a lot of restrictions and may not be suitable for many people.
Can anyone tell me as regards insurance cover, if Mexico is classed as worldwide

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