Thanks for the welcome back. I will do a proper report, both on the hotel and area, as soon as possible, but in the meantime just want to let you know that Sousse is fine and almost back to normal. There are some obvious signs of the troubles, with buildings having been burned out or otherwise destroyed, but these are being rebuilt. There is a great spirit of optimism and people are looking forward to the elections in July. One of the most obvious indications of change for us regulars was the absence of Ben Ali's picture in all hotels, bars and cafes. Streets are also being re-named, as previously many were named Novembre 11h to commemorate Ben Ali's rise to power and these will now be known as Janvier 14th to commemorate the date of the revolution.
The hotel was full, with quite a few British and, for the first time, a large number of Tunisian families as it was apparently school holiday time over there.
Have a good time with your family Digby, I'm sure they will be thrilled to have you with them. I'm very lucky as all mine live fairly close so we are able to see a lot of each other.
The hotel was very quiet as was sousse and PEK
had a great time though another great result as ever.
Welcome back. I'm glad you enjoyed your holiday and am now off to read your report.
We are meeting Aslemma today in London. Will be good to catch up.
You're on line early Jim! On my way shortly and looking forward to seeing you both. xx
Jimmy HT would always advise caution when meeting other guests of the forum, please make sure you meet in a public place and take somebody with you, you never know who you are talking to on a public forum
Just met this strange wee wumin. Taking her for coffee.
strange wee wumin

To translate for the non Weegie (Glaswegian) that translates to ' strange little woman'

' strange little woman'
Who appears to be shrinking according to her daughter!! Anyway, we had a lovely day and it was great to see Anne and Jimmy again, though I think your advice might have been better given to me Graham, after all Jimmy had Anne to take care of him, though I suppose Marble Arch was a public enough place to ensure my safety.

Easy - Media Gallery at the top of the page and upload a couple of pictures then copy and paste the BB code for each one on to your post and you will get something like this, who need to go to Rome when you can get this in Tunisia?
As we are quiet here is a quick quiz with NO prizes
Oh dear
i beat you .......only just tho........... i scored 150
Yes 195 for me
Woo Hoo - 210 FOR ME !!
A new leader
And I also got 210.
Only 150 for me - must do better
OK - only scored 75 BUT have never been to Tunisia (am researching because may go in May next year) so that is my excuse!!!!
Thinking caps on and I will post the answers in a couple of days

1. What is the official currency of Tunisia?
2. What city was the Phoenician capital?
3. What two countries border Tunisia?
4. Who was Tunisia's first president after 1956's independence?
5. What is the primary sport of El-Haouaria, and many Arab kings?
6. What is a traditional Tunisian bazaar or marketplace?
7. What is the name of a traditional Arab town or the oldest part of a Tunisian city?
8. What is the word for a lake or marshland, like the colorful southern salt lake?
9. Orchards produce which two primary agricultural exports for Tunisia?
10. What is the main place of worship, and what is its corner tower?
11. What northern city is known for its birdcages and blue doors?
12. Who is the Princess of Tyre linked to the origins of Carthage?
13. Who were the Aryan barbarians who invaded Tunisia in the 5th century?
14. During what war did Hannibal cross the Alps atop elephants to face the Roman army?
15. What does the constitution require that the president be?
16. What 2 symbols are in the center of the Tunisian flag; what do they represent?
17. During World War II, what two Allied generals liberated Tunisia?
18. By what phrase has Zine el-Abidine ben Ali's accession to power become known?
19. What talisman, tied to Mohammed's daughter, is thought to ward off bad luck?
20. Who were the notorious pirates who guarded the coast during the 17th & 18th century?
21. What is the name of a fortified granary or Berber village?
22. What is the northernmost city on the African continent?
23. What is a Tunisian fortress, was usually the hilltop residence of the local ruler?
24. What animal might you see on road crossing signs in southern Tunisia?
25. What is the spicy condiment made of red chili and garlic?

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