Caribbean Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in the Caribbean
Avoclor help
451 Posts
I've taken the Avoclor chloroquine malaria for a couple of years now and only had an upset tummy once which didn't last long, Husband & Daughter have both been fine with them.

Not sure if you can buy them in Dom Rep.
your probably best to buy them before you travel as the chemist + doctors recommend you start the course before you travel + take during the holiday + also for a while once youve returned.
my friend who is cabin crew takes tablets for her destinations + has complained of upset tummy etc
they are some popular side affects!
Can people who have been to Mexico, Playacar, please advise if Maleria tablets are neeeded for this resort.
Am I right in thinking there is no Malaria threat in Cuba?
Malaria is not endemic in Cuba and you don't need to take any prophylactic treatment but, depending on the time of year you go, mozzies can be a problem. You'll need a decent insect repellent for putting on yourself and a mozzie plug to keep the blighters under control in your room. And if you get bitten it's really easy for the bites to get infected so take some bite treatment and antiseptic cream with you. During the hurrican season the high levels of humidity and the general dampness, including lying water in puddle filled potholes, provide ideal breeding conditions. Cuban mozzies can make Scottish blackfly seem like a minor inconvenience :-)

I'm going beginning of May, will that be a major problem then? Are we talking the size og the bleeders in cyprus or the little fellas that get you in your sleep?

Can you tell me any good brands to go for in regard to repelling them?
You'll find pages of recommendations HERE.

Pippy :D
hi westmoormaq, went to occidental grand xcaret oct 06 which is not too far from playacar. before we went i went to superdrug to enquire ref malaria tabs. the lady at the pharmacy there phone the centre for tropical diseases and was told there was no need to take them for here. hope this helps, some other members would probably say take them anyway but we didnt as we had sought advice.

We went to Playacar and did take malaria tablets. We also sought advise and it is low risk for malaria, however we knew that we intended going into the 'jungle' area to Coba so decided to play safe. Once a week for 7 weeks is no hardship and at least you are covered. As it happens we weren't bitten at all and didn't use the cans of jungle formula spray we had taken. I guess it's down to individual choice at the end of the day, but I would do the same again.

Pam :)
We are due to fly out to Mexico on the 6th September for 2 weeks and I'm just wondering if anyone can tell me what Innoculations you should have before going?

Myself and my husband have both had our Tetanus and the combined Diptheria, Yellow Fever etc in the last couple of years for going to Dom Rep and we've been advised by the Doctor that these are now valid for 10 years. Is there anything else we should have for going?

Also, should we take the anti-malaria tablets as we did when we went to Dom Rep?

Any help would be much appreciated.

I'm going to Dom Rep in a few weeks. Haven't had any injections yet because I'm really scared of needles! :roll: My dad has been to quite a few carribean islands and never had any either. Just wondering if there are many others who don't have them and if it's a big risk not to.
Just remember that not having injections might invalidate your travel insurance.

Better safe than sorry and have them.

Mark :D
Hi, can anyone advise me as to whether my son will need vaccinations for Barbados, he is going in 5 weeks time? thanks in advance Alison
Best to check with your doctor, but from memory he'll need Tetanus, Typhoid and Hepatitus A.

As always, it may invalidate your insurance if you don't have the injections and were to be unfortunate enough to fall ill.

My motto - better be safe than sorry.

Mark :D
Thanks for your prompt reply, I'll make an appt at the doctors tomorrow, he is also going with us to the dominican in Sept, will the vaccinations cover him for that also if he has them done now?
Thanks again Alison
Yep they should so, but I'm sure your doctor will confirm this :wink:

Mark :D
Our practice nurse recommended to my parents that they take malaria tablets for our holiday in Playacar. They told her that although our holiday is resort based, we will be taking excursions into the jungle for quad biking, ziplining etc.
She said that Avloclor (chloroquine) would be fine.
Mum went into Superdrug Pharmacy to buy them and they would not sell them to her, saying firstly that she did not need them for PDC and then kind of contradicted themselves by saying, that brand would not be the correct one.
So the question is who is correct.....I do realise that if we stayed purely on resort it would be a very low risk.
Any advice please?
hi all we are off to cuba in sep 07 and i would like to know do we need any jabs
hi going to bucerias mexico in september, will we need to take malaria tablets? thanks shazzer :lol:
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