Caribbean Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in the Caribbean
Hi, we are off to Dom Rep sunday, can't wait, only 5 more sleeps.
Started our malaria tabs last week, and was pleasantly surprised by the cost.
I went to superdrug and for a family of 5, 2 adults 3 kids, bearing in mind 2 of the kids have to have adult course, 70 tabs and only £7.20. They are the aclovlar, apologies if spelling is wrong.
So I would suggest giving superdrug a visit.
Hi Jostle, thay is also the name for chloroquine, and i dont think we paid much more than that for ours from boots.
thanks for your replies , im going back to boots, armed with this info,
im sure they tried to pull a fast one but i was quiet sure people on here had said they are only couple of quid. will also try superdrug
none of us are on any meds at all

thanks again for your help

not long now :lol: :lol: :lol:
we fly out on 22nd jan

have a great time and dont forget to tell us all about it when you get back :lol:
just been looking on the web
you can buy Avloclor 250gm for around £2.45
as anyone taken these?
you only need take them weekly (adults 2 tablets, my youngest 1 tablet per week, which will be so much easier on her as she is only 5)
the doctor told us to get Proguanil but you have to take 2 tablets aday!
sharon- avloclar is the same as chloroquine, go and see the pharmacist in boots.
got them from lloyds phamacy

£2 a pack, got then for us all including my mum and dads for £8

what a differance :lol: that will put more dollar in my pocket :lol:
well after much research myself & my husband went to the docs separately & he was told he didn't need malaria tablets for D.R & i was told that we did

so i got some anyway, but we are worried about the side effects. we have heard stories where it has ruined peoples holidays & we have been looking forward to this holiday for ages & dont want this to happen
do most people get these side effects- headaches & nausea or are they rare?

i bought chloroquine

hi ocelot- we took the same ones. now i am nototrious for my stomach!! we took them before bed as the first time we tried them we noticed headaches and slight blurry vision. had a little bit of tummy trouble but not enough to last all day. by the way they taste vile so swallow them quickly with lots of water and before planning on eating anything nice!!
hi carebear

just like me then if you suffer with your stomach, so it does seem like anything major then

will take them at night, just glad i am not on the daily ones


booked to goto varadero cuba but the tour operator and brocure states that no jabs etc is needed (considering that its a 3rd world country and there is a huge mozzie problem and im most likely going to get recieve a few bites) surely this info is BS?!?

i also had jabs etc for the dominican last year so will these still be good for a few years or will i need a booster?


Yes, depending on where you go there is an awful mozzie problem and you would be well-advised to pack your favourite repellent but there is no need to take anti-malarial drugs as malaria is not present in Cuba. You would be well-advised to make sure that you are up to date with your polio, diptheria and tetanus boosters (but you would be even if you never travelled outside of the UK) and if staying in rural areas and/or outside of the tourist hotels, especially during the hurricane season, then you might want to check with your local GP practice as to whether they would advise further immunisation agains other water-borne diseases eg Typhus and Hepatitus but on the whole you don't need anything more.

You'd be well-advised to only drink bottled water whilst there but mainly because the water supply is heavily chlorinated to make it safe to drink. Even the locals either drink bottled water or have water filters to take the taste away. During the hurricane season, if the local mains supply has become contaminated then 'bowsers' are deployed and everybody fills up bottles etc from them for drinking and cooking purposes but if you are staying in a tourist hotel in Varadero then you are probably unlikely to ever be visibly affected by this.

As for it being a 3rd world country, well, yes, it is but it's a 3rd world country that has more docters per 1,000 head of population than the UK, where you can get a dentist's appointment within 24 hrs, where their child and adult literacy levels are higher than the UK and their infant mortality rates lower than their close neighbour the USA! Local standards of hygiene are very high and I survived 3 weeks eating with local families, including eating plenty of fruit and salad and taking ice in my drinks in the local bars without mishap only to catch gastroenteritis on my flight home from the airline food loaded at Gatwick on the outbound flight!

Overall, the health risks from travelling to Cuba are fairly minimal, especially if you are going to be staying in a tourist hotel in Varadero,


PS Please don't read anything more into this - I don't know your personal circumstances and don't want to offend you - but if you are likely to need condoms whilst there then you are best advised to take them with you from here. The local ones are unreliable and if you take some and have any left over then you'll probably find that a discrete gift of them won't go amiss. Likewise if you might need STs or tampons whilst there, take them with you too - the local SanPro is dreadful and again the chamber maids at your hotel will welcome any that you have leftover at the end if left discretely for them.
thanks for the info SMa much appreciated
we went in Dec to Dom Rep and was unsure whether or not to take teh recommendation of malaria tablets, eventully we chose not to take Malaria tablets!
But since being back Ive had bad flu and fever 3 times!
Went to doctors and had blood tests to check for Malaria!
Luckily it was negative , and turned out to be Glandular Fever I have.
But it was quite frightening the thought of possibly having Malaria.
So next time I will take them, regardless if its a low risk area!!, to be on the safe side!
Hi all

Had vaccinations last week for trip to Dom Rep in March. Nurse gave us a leaflet about Malaria and it mentions two diff types of tablets but its not clear as to whether to take both or just one, One is weekly, one monthly. Chloroquine and Progularil (not sure on spelling!)

Can someone please help, do we need both or just one?

Just got back from Dom Rep. We were told to take two tablets once a week. We started taking them a week before we went away, the two weeks while there and four weeks after our return.

We went to the local chemist for ours they were very helpful and they only cost us a couple of pounds.
Hi all,

what injections are needed before travelling to dominican republic? ive been once before back in 2002 but cant remember what i had.

Also im wanting to go on the 1st march? am i too late ?:(
not sue of the jags you get i think hepititus is one but my gp said 6 weeks before you fly. 8)
got them today, already had a few from when i went in 2002, they dont need doing again till 2011. They said it was ok to get them and travel in the next few weeks though
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