Have you thought about the Sahara? The general consensus of opinion when I have discussed "budget" Vegas properties with people face to face and via forums is that the Sahara wins hands down North Strip. From my experience, there is a definite old school Vegas type vibe in the Sahara (similar to what you might experience Downtown), and the property overall is better maintained (and cleaner) than a lot of the cheaper properties (Tropicanca, Riviera, Stratosphere etc etc). Add in a Monorail station, some loose slots (we won $80 on free slot play within 5mins in 2007) and you are laughing.....but only if it is dirt cheap of course!!!
The pool area looks pretty good also and there is plenty of shade (and look at those cabana prices), follow this link (give Java plenty of time):-
I'm not in a position to overly endorse the Sahara because I've never stayed there and a lot of what I mention is through discussions over the year. I think it would be my choice at the low end though, certainly a better option than the chain hotels on the Strip and just a bit more convenient than the Statosphere (although with a car this doesn't come into it really).
I haven't really seen too much to get me excited in the past few weeks to be honest. I am hoping this is the calm before the storm in terms of Vegas deals. Definitely take a look at Hotwire, especially if you are considering the lower end market for your first week. You would have to pay up front as Lesley mentions but at those prices, just do a cheaper weekly shop in your local supermarket and that pays for it!!!!
Those Excalibur cabana prices are pretty good I think. As I mentioned before I actually quite liked the Excal pool area as it was so if they have improved on it (which in truth, doesn't always happen) then I am sure you will be more than happy with it. You probably need to factor in kiddie factor there though, which may or may not be a major problem?
I get your comment on paying up front on Hotwire by the way, and there are no refunds or changes allowed which doesn't always work well in Vegas unlike other cities. I suppose the one good thing to come out of Hotwire (apart from the excellent prices) is the fact that it is booked, no changes, end of. You can chill out and look forward to your holiday knowing exactly where you are staying without the need to continually look at forums/hotel websites to find the best deal. I think, like me however, you are probably semi addicted to the Vegas hotel deals chase (if you like), and are determined to get the best hotel at the best price