When I booked my trip to Florida from Bristol, First Choice did not inform me that the flight goes via Manchester.
This is a real nuisance for me because it adds 2 hrs on to an already 9 1/2 hr long flight and I've got two little ones to try to keep happy. Although Bristol is local I think I would rather the drive to Gatwick or even Manchester to get the flight.
I know if I phone them they will try to impose more charges on me for changing to go from a different airport and the prices have also gone up a couple of hundred since I booked.
Although the information is in the back of the brochure I booked this over the phone so feel as though I should of been told at the time.
So it was there for you to read.
Though i would have thought they would have said at the time of booking the flights went via manchester.I assume they are picking up people there to fill the flight.
On the way back we were direct to BHX is this the case with you or is your return via MAN also? I wouldn't fancy the two hour stop on the way back but on the way wasn't too bad.
As you say the imformation is in the brochure.
So it was there for you to read.
Though i would have thought they would have said at the time of booking the flights went via manchester.I assume they are picking up people there to fill the flight
Although the info is in the brochure I didn't have it when I booked over the phone. It was only when I read on som other forums about the detour that I went to my local First Choice TA to get a brochure to see if there was any info in it.
I also made a dummy booking online to see if it came up and it does but only at the stage just before payment and you have to tick a box to confirm you have read it.
BIGBEAR - The detour is only on the way over and not on the way back. The reason they do it is because Bristol Airport's runway isn't long enough to take off with a full tank of fuel so they have to fill up in Manchester and start again.
If it were only the 2 of us I wouldn't be so put out but with a 4 & 6 year old it is going to be a right royal pain and tempers are going to become frayed with all the "Are we there yets".
At the time of booking Gatwick's flights were a couple of hundred cheaper but we chose Bristol as it's so close.
The worst they can do is say no but I'm sure they'll try to reach an agreement with you.
Did you ever ask if the flights were direct non-stop or did you just assume they were.
You have the right to hear the tape of the call to see if you feel you were mislead.
As you know the aircraft is going via Manchester you could ask to join the aircraft there but I dont really see the point of driving there when you can fly from your local airport. You also say the aircraft comes back direct to bristol so your car would be in Manchester.
Kind Regards
Their brochure does state that "Bristol flights have a short technical stop on route (outbound only) for refuelling. Passengers will not be required to disembark". Whilst I accept that you say you did not see a brochure before booking on the phone I'm sure that there is an assumption that you have, afterall there is lots of information in the brochure that a call-centre representative simply wouldn't have the time to talk you through - you would otherwise be on the phone for hours.
Try not to let the stop via MAN put you off and spoil your holiday. It will add perhaps 90-120 minutes to your total outbound journey time. It's an inconvenience I accept but don't let it spoil your holiday to Florida.
i had to do this a few years ago, i went to mexico from bhx because the price was over £400 cheaper from man with first choice, my flight stopped on route at man to refuel it took about 1 hour but we didnt leave the plane and we still got all the movie's and drinks and everything like normal.
i understand you have children, but they still served everything like normal.
try and not worry
Cant see the complaint going far on this as pointed out the t and cs in the brochure cant be read out over the phone youd be there forever and as it is a technical stop it is to allow you to replace the fuel used in the 90 mins to manchester as otherwise you may fall short of your destination (not fun!) people wont be getting on or off so they do make it as quick as possible, Is it worth the time to drive to gatwick, or the 6 hours plus to drive to manchester to save 90 mins flying time?
As it's in the brochure, I assume that they would have expected you to research all the terms and conditions and ins and outs before booking. I don't think that you will be able to do anything about it bar change your flights and that would most probably incur an ammendment charge. I have done both and although it's a drag and does add to the journey time, you don't get off and the passengers joining are usually loaded on quite quickly and then you take off again. Also it's only on the way out.
I would chalk it up to experience and check carefully next time booking a non stop flight.
With kids we find it best to make a game or highpoint out if it. Taking off and landing are the fun parts of the trip so they get a bonus.
Whatever you do, do not let them watch Shrek 2. Every single time my grandson gets in the car it is "are we there yet donkey?". With two if them to egg each other on, they could keep going for the whole trip!
i booked a holiday over the phone with Thomsons to Turkey.After the booking had been made the agent told me it was going via Bristol(from Newcastle).I asked her to refund my money as there is no way my husband would sit on a runway for 2 hours.She did this and I booked another holiday with a direct flight.I think they should have told you as having information in the back of a brochure is no excuse as not everyone has a brochure.
then on the flight from kuala lumpur to melbourne we are informed that we were stopping at sydney to get more passengers. we were never told this at any stage until it was announced on the plane. we were not allowed off the aircraft and had to stay there for about an hour and a half waiting for the other passengers. this was hard with 2 kids.
i did get compensation but this was mainly for the flight changes and not the stopover.
first choice are good at not telling the whole truth at time of booking.maybe we should have rung the airport beforehand to check times but we were told that if any changes are made first choice would inform us by letter.
if it was me i would try to get them to change it for you, ask them to prove you knew about it, bet they can't.
good luck

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