I would think March is your best choice.
You had to do it Spike didnt you. As i said before u mentioned the 's' word and what happens ? yes we get blootered with the stuff yesterday while you lot down south get a good day for kite flying.
hi got a phonecall from our friends who are staying at the ronil beach today and it was 38degrees and baga was heaving! cant wait til feb!
38 degrees - wahoo!!
I just get pop up mayhem with no site?
Every other site is saying clouds for next week.
Is this common?
You will always have a cloudy day but the temps are still very hot and no probs getting a tan.
Well it rained last night, not too much, and there was a few drops early this morning, but don't worry it was still vey hot and sunny during the day.

As long as its nice and

We had never been in Goa in November before and the weather was very mixed, very overcast sometimes, although hot. I was surprised by the weather in November. But apparently the monsoon had been late and the weather we were having was the clouds that appears in October rather than November.
Ive got to book for April, thats when i get my next break from college. Is it empty around then?
No, not empty although shacks and bars are winding down but very hot & humid
Anyone posting from GOa?
We fly out on Sunday. What's the weather like??????
I go back Fri eveing.
Thanks yummymummy. It's hard to imagine being in 'heat' in 4 days time, especially with the UK being so cold at the moment. It will be a shock getting off the plane at 9am on Sunday morning
If you run a MAC (or a windows machine) and use the Firefox browser, you can download a browser extension from their website http://www.mozilla.org/download.html called forecastfox. Set the preferences to GOA. I've got the displayed info down on the progress bar. (Thats the bottom of my browser) The current temp/cloud/wind info and 2 day forecast is constantly updated, hover the mouse over any of the icons and you will get even more info. Now thats nerdy!
There are lots of very useful plugins that you'll find using firefox like being able to write into forums like this one and have an automatic spell check running.
I'm flying out this Friday (16th) and sorting out my packing, can anybody tell me how cool it gets in the evenings this time of year? will I need to bring a cardigan? I haven't been this early before.
Hi Donna its not really been cold in the evening at all. I do have a cardigan with me tho just incase, but I dont think you will need one
Thanks Gemma

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