The only thing I am missing desperately is my 20 year old son who wanted to stay in the yUK. Although we speak on the phone all the time it is not the same. To be honest we always used to come to Tenerife for three weeks over Christmas and New Year because they are more 'Traditional" here but with a brilliant atmosphere everywhere, Oh and the :sun. The only thing I miss if you can call it that is Mellow Birds Coffe, but having said that I could go to Iceland out here and pay double for it if I was that desperate but am I. No, I just give hubby a list of things I want brought out on his next visit which are supposed to be every six weeks. After his initial 2 weeks prior to going to Notary he went home on 1st May and was back by the 16th for 5 days, [suprise for our anniversary] Then he came back on 22nd June for 10 days so as you can see I don't have to wait too long in between. He is not back out until 30th August this time [well he has got to do some work]