Can any of you guys help me on what sort of tablets or precautions are good for not getting the dreaded DELLY BELLY.
And is it common to get it as this is my first trip to GOA. I love my chicken and seafood.
Cheers guys, advice would be great.
Just take sensible precautions like you would in any other country. Avoid ice, dont eat the ice cream etc.
My dad had delly belly and we went to the chemist over there and he had to take some yellow tablets, 2 tablets for the first dose then one every 4 hours i think. Cleared within half a day.
Just go into any chemist and say you want delly belly relief and you'll get the tablets.
Also a lot cheaper than medicine over in the UK. I think i have read in another post a few weeks back that taking tablets before you get delly belly doesnt work, and will do more harm than good. Im not sure which post it was though.
Will lock this topic to avoid duplication.

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