Morning Janet!! from another beautiful Cyprus morning!!
Well I do get around the island when I can, I go to Limassol fairly frequently, I have to say although the town is an interesting one I don't particularly like the place, but have to be honest I don't find it any cheaper than Pafos already is, it is on par for most things including eating out, Limassol has some excellent restaurants of course, and the ones I have been in are not particularly cheap.
But then again nor are they in any other large EU town or city, I reiterate Cyprus, or Pafos is not expensive in my opinion, I have posted only a few things above that are more than reasonable, holiday makers would not know of course we do not pay for hot water most of the year, we need far fewer clothes, I don't have central heating in our small bungalow and we find it is not needed, there is so much more to living in Cyprus than you of course would not be aware of, I think the main problem coming here is the air fare, it is expensive compared to say Spain, but then again this is not Spain, thankfully.
We have a very low crime rate, and living here is wonderful, I know this again will not concern the average tourist, but as I said with just a little insider knowledge eating and drinking out in Cyprus can be surprisingly cheap!! many never look further than tourist areas or always looking for food they are used to eating, locals on the other hand avoid this at all cost's, and to be honest again this does not take much effort to find, a car would be needed and a short drive inland and you would be amazed just how reasonable Cyprus IS!!
Whatever do have a nice holiday...try not to think of your pocket money.