I experienced a minor quake on Zante when I was there sometime around the mid 1990's. We were sat at the bar when all of a sudden the bar stools started to quiver and our drinks slid to one end of the bar....and it made us feel slightly woozey.....a bit like motion sickness some people feel on ships or aircraft. But apart from that there was no panic, the bar staff carried on serving, all be it with one hand while they held onto to nearby fitments to steady themselves. I looked at my friend, he looked at me we both looked at the bar swaying and the beer in our glasses spilling.
When we asked "
what was that" the Barman simply replied in his broken english
....."oh sir please, not too be worry, just little of earthquate in the land.....it happen on Zakynthos all time. This not is problem for you sir....have the drink for my friend on the house" ( or words to that effect ). And then there was another slightly more noticable rumble and a weird sound, not loud, just a faint rumbling sound in the distance. Although we felt a little disorientated, a bit 'tipsy' (whiche we were not I hasten to add), we were not hurt and from what I understand, we were not in any danger. And neither was the Hotel. As has been said, following the Earthquakes on the Island in the early 1950's....1953?....ALL Greek Buildings
must now be constructed to withstand earth tremours and quakes. That is
not to say they will not collapse of course, no one can really guarantee that. The Twin Towers of The World Trade Centre Complex were designed and constructed to withstand Aircraft Impacts such as those that occured during the terrible tragic events of 9/11, but they still collapsed. However, the chances of any Greek Building collapsing now have been greatly reduced. The Greeks will all tell you that their buildings have 'earthquate reinforcements' built into them.
I would certainly not be put off from returning to this lovely little Greek Island. Or anywhere else in Greece for that matter. I agree, if anything the chaos at the Airport would be the only thing that MIGHT deter me, but even then I would probably still go. One thing that WILL probably put me off is if the rumours I am hearing about the 'Lager Lout Brigade' from Falarakhi and Ibiza invading the Island are to be believed, then I may have to consider an alternative Island.....but as for Earthquates. I realise I am travelling to a HOT country that is prone to Earth Tremours and Earthquates and as such I will no longer be surprised if I find myself caught up in another.
I always read up, not in any great detail, but enough to get some background info on any Country I am visiting for the first time. Its just common sense to do that. Holiday Brochures and Tour Operators are not going to tell you about such things, even if they knew (which 99.99% of the time they probably don't) because it would put off certain people from travelling to that country and they may loose a booking. It may not be ethical to keep Holiday makers in the dark like that, but it is a fact of life.
If you want to know about the Country you have decided to travel to for your well earnt hols then my advise is to do a little bit of research before you book. An hour in a Library, a couple of hours on line, a few minutes glancing through a local guide book (you don't have to buy it) in your local Book Store will pay dividends.
Whilst I appreciate the Earthquate that the original poster was involved in must of been a terrifying experience for her/him, I am sure they were in no danger. As has been said the Greek Government would have made arrangements to evacute Tourists and Local People if they thought their lives were in danger. I understand that did not happen. Relying on Reps in Resort for information is a fruitless excersice as most of these Reps are mere Teenagers with no real interest in the Travel Industry and are just 'repping' inbetween Uni etc. They are there purely as an 'icon' for the Tour Company they Represent. And to make money from you by selling you Excursions...thats all.