Image of Presthaven Sands Holiday Park

Presthaven Sands Holiday Park

1 of 2 hotels in Prestatyn

3 out of 5 from 21 reviews
Gronant, Denbigshire, North Wales LL19 9TT

21 Reviews

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Review Overview

  • Cleanliness
  • Entertainment
  • Food
  • Service
  • Location
19 years 11 months ago
We stayed in a Silver 6 birth caravan. It was filthy on arrival.

I phoned reception who duly despatched a manager from Housekeeping. She wiped a cloth here and there and sprayed air freshner, muttered about not being able to get good cleaners and departed despite my protestations that the place was rank. I phoned reception again, advised them of my unhappiness, told then I was going to the beach for a couple of hours and that I expected the caravan to be properly cleaned, when I returned. It wasn't. I walked the mile to reception, just as they were about to close, sat down on the floor and advised them that I wasn't moving until the caravan was clean or they moved me to one that was clean. To be honest they were rude and nasty because I was depriving them of an after work drink on an extremely hot day but I kept my head and calmness and told them to get on with their job. Evetually when they realised that I meant business, they did their job and my caravan was clean.

Once it was clean I have to say that the standard of the accommodation was good. It was large and well equipped and fortunately, we were located in one of the quieter areas of the park. The general standard of tidiness was good with litter patrols etc. It had certainly improved since our previous visit three years before.

Alas, the rest of the park and the facilities have gone downhill. The entertainment complex with the three clubs/bars etc was absolutely filthy and the toilets were disgraceful.

The pool area was similar as was the children's indoor play area.

The entertainment itself was dire. We have holidayed with Haven many times and each year, the entertainment seems to be a little worse than the year before. It has now hit rock bottom. What is worse is that they deliberately kill the air conditioning in order to increase drink sales, especially when there entertainment is directed towards children. For example, we took out 4 year old to the Rory the Tiger show. It wasn't a hot evening outside, in fact we had worn jackets to walk down, however the temperature inside must have been at least 90. I didn't move and yet still I was sweating like I was sitting under the mid day sun in the Sahara. The children were getting through a drink every five expensive game. As soon as the childrens show had finished the air conditioning went on and you could feel the temperature dropping by the minute.

This didn't just happen once but every night and it happened in all of the three clubs/bars depending on the so called entertainment.

The food in the various outlets is expensive for what it is and of a generally low standard.

There are two ATM's on this rather long park....over a mile and half in length but be warned they charge a minimum

Travel operator: None

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