Thanks for taking the time to give us your review....glad you had a great holiday.
Can i just ask what sorts or cerals etc was there at breakfast (i know it sounds trivial but im taking a baby and want to try and reduce the amount of stuff i need to pack) and you said food was nice can you give us some ideas of what there was? I am again thinking about feeding the baby who eats the same food as us at home.....was there things like different pasta and rice dishes each day and fresh veggies etc.
Do you know if there was any food available from anywhere around 4pm as that is he teatime and im assuming evening meals start about 7ish.
I wasnt planning on taking much thats all just some for some trips and then the cards incase we need them but the last AI we went on in Dominican Republic the only thing we spent money on was trips.
Thanks Vicky

I hope things contuinue along the same lines for all about to go and thoses who go in July/Aug...
Have a great holiday everyone and don't forget to report back for the nosey ones like myself


Glad you had a good holiday, it's good to read a great review. We go a week on Thursday and can't wait.
Could you please tell me whether the kids Wavelength club was running.
In response to questions I'll answer below as fully as I can but we went with our 2yr old so didn't get to learn much about the activities for the older kids.
Not sure about the schedules for the football clubs & stagecoach but there seemed to be 'soccer coaches' eating in the restaurant most days so I would assume they are regular (maybe even every day). Not sure about stagecoach. I think the wavelength club was running (there were reps there with wavelength written on their backs).
Food - Main restaurant was open for breakfast 7 til 11.00am. They served fresh pancakes, all sorts of cereals (corn flakes, cocoa pops, etc), yogurt, fresh fruit (melon, apricots, fruit salads etc), omlettes, boiled eggs, fried eggs, sausages (although they were more like hot dogs), baked beans, cheese, ham, bread, toast, croissants. There was a real variety.
Lunch was 12.30 to 2.30pm. This were salads (really nice & fresh), cold meats, fruits, 3 or 4 hot meat dishes, grilled fish, kebabs, various fresh veggies, rice, pasta, potatoes (mash or chips) plus kids choices (pizza, meatballs, fish fingers etc). There was a real variety & many dishes did change each day so these examples are typical but may not all be there each day.
The evenings were similar to lunchtimes but with more hot dishes available. Dinner started at 6pm.
If you wanted to eat earlier (4pm) you would need to go to one of the snack bars. Not much choice here (burgers, hot dogs, pizza, toasted sarnies & chips).
We only spent about £50. We didn't go out of the complex as it was half an hour walk to Sarigerme and this was a very small village. We did wish we were closer to a busier town/village but PP is in the middle of nowhere. The reps said there is no cash point in sarigerme to make sure you take enough (plus the £10 per person for arrival at Dalaman airport).
If you want to phone the hotel direct, their tel no is (0900) (0) 533 498 5660 & the FC resort office is (0900) (0) 252 286 8597.
Hope this helps, Ian
i found the food at the time to be very bad for my younger one as he was justing on solid food, but when we were out there first choice had flown some chefs over to sort the problem out and it got better. i had the same problem my baby ate at 4pm and there was no food apart from t and cake at this time they do an early tea for kids which starts at 6pm but that where the food was bad, so in the afternoon i got a bowl and went to the lunch and put dinner in a bowl and put that in the fridge in the room, and that did for his tea, and solved the problem of the times out.
the shops are not very good on baby items in the village we went to marmaris one day and got stuff.
anyone out there its good to take mozzie stuff and the deet stuff is the best and take some coils that burn for the evening.
we are going again in july so it can not of been that bad.
any q will be happy to ans.
To anyone interested, here is a weblink to the actual hotel:
Kilshaw thats a great idea i will take something from lunch for his tea.....problem solved!!!
Gonna sit back and relax now and wait for august!!
*Edit for currency questions please use the dedicated link Briar
Tumble weed blows across the superhighway!
We go a week today and if I can I will let you all know what it's like while i'm there. We are all really looking forward to it now. It sounds as if they have sorted the food issue. Another big complaint from last year was the evening entertainment so we'll have to see if that has been improved. To be honest though we often find the worse the entertainment the funnier it is

The only downside to what was a brilliant fortnight. Going again this July with some friends so looking forward to some better entertainment. come on FC give us some adults something to watch.

My theory is that the place has obviously improved (it had to) and there is nothing controversial to "chat" about hence the lack of activity on here.
I had all of my last message deleted however it was in relation to the hotel. Is there somewhere you can cash travellers cheques?
Hi, going in July can anyone tell me what the dress code is for the resturants at night
I cant wait to go now to the pp we go on the 8th june and the recent reports have been really good................ really excited now kids are hyper only 3 weeks to go...........
Yes Barnio, hopefully the hotel will be spot on! We are so exited and are even planning what we are going to do in the days! Right down to the time we will eat - sad!
Those who went for two weeks who flew on Thursday shoudl be returning tomorrow, hopefully they will have some up to date reviews!
I thought it was about time I got on here and put some of you out of your misery!

Well, what can I say, the place is out of this world. We absolutely love it! After all the ups and downs of the past year, we are having a whale of a time. Have had a couple of get togethers with Sam aka tottya, Michael aka footballswampie and Olivia aka Caithness and every single one of us has agreed that FC have definitely got it right this time.
Iberostar are now fully managing the hotel and it shows, it is so professionally managed and more than deserves it four star status. Not one of us has a complaint about anything.
I've managed so far to remain free of mossie bites, but I think all my remedies have helped. Sam and her hubby Pat have had a few but it hasn't spoiled our holiday.
So to everyone out there worrying, please don't you're in for a real treat when you get out here, it's such a wonderful place.
Well, I'll sign off for now and get back my all inclusive vodka and diet coke, which is absolutely fab by the way.
Lots of love
Catherine xxx

Just shown your write up to the wife and she is now as giddy as a kipper.One question though please, is the palace being run by Iberostar as i thought they had the tropical.
Once again thanks for the update only 22 more sleeps to go

Cheers Paul

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