Hate to dissapoint you but the Scottish schools stop at the end of June. So there should kids about.
Hi All, Looks as through they are not going to do the beach as promised as they do not advertise the beach as golden sandy beach anymore, even if they did the beach the sea it very dangerous as their is a drop of 2 foot when you walk in, the reps said when we was their that FC was going to do the beach and going to build an Adventure playground this winter,i said i would go back in 2007 if they did what was promised( better food, beach adventure playgound and make the evening entertainment better for adults and children over 10, but if proves you cannot belive anything FC say as the decription of the beach is not in the brouchre anymore.
hi eilidh, we purposely booked to go in the school hols because the schools are being funny about taking kids out of school for holidays plus its nice for the kids to meet other children on holiday, will you be going to the p/p, p/t next year?
You're right Bellingham. Also FC aren't likely either to put in the brochure "standing on a grit beach with tufts of grass and occasional pieces of broken glass and a blue sea that shelves away dangerously and is practically impossible for children to swim in either" I am glad we have this forum because we have been there and no FC agent in any travel agent could tell me differently unless they had been there themselves.
No I won't be going back to the PP next year. It was far too big. I like to get out and explore the area when I am on holiday. Also I like to try different places.
Edit to amend spelling Briar
if you have booked? open your mind , and enjoy.
You will need an open mind...and purse
Not sure why you would need an open wallet since it is all inclusive....I only bought one Twix in the whole time I was there.....
We are committed to going now and determined to enjoy ourselves and make the most of the good things whatever, sometimes I think if you go looking for the problems you will definitely find them! I now know all the pitfalls (but hopefully, and maybe I am being optimistic, but things will have improved). Along with all the negative but also informative comments, there has been a lot of positive feedback, so I am going to focus on those. The Turkish people sound lovely, the rooms sound great, kids have had great fun in the pools, the market sounds good, so all in all I think there is the basis for a great holiday. Happy Christmas to you all !
Hi Courtng, W hen are you going next year, letrs hope FC have given the new restarant Manager a bigger budget for the food, because if not dont expect 4 star food more like 3 star. as for the beach i dont think FC are ever goping to allowed to touch the beach, take plenty of mozzie spray we took the stangest you can buy from boots and that did work accept in the bathroom where we had a plugin and we still got bit, have you bookes a searoom view as these are the rooms where most of the mozzies are, Goodluck and sent us a review telling us how you got on.

We went in July this year and had a fab time, the only fault we could find was the entertainment. Didnt find the mozzies as bad as I have in Greece, and I am one who normally gets bitten to death. No problems for us with queuing or food, we found it fine.
if you go looking for faults, you will find them. However, if you go determined to have a great holiday, you will. We were so worried before we went, but we had a fab time. Hope you have a great holiday!!

Thanks for your comments, great to hear that you have had good holidays, especially in July when we are going, I also am the one family member that the mozzies love so will go well prepared, but if the problem is no worse than Greece then I will probably be able to cope ok.
Susien - what were the temperatures like in July, I love the heat - hence we chose Turkey - so I am looking forward to 2 weeks in the sun, we would moan if it rained over there!
We were there for the last 2 weeks of July and it was 45 - 50 degrees every day...not a cloud in sight and certainly no rain
Wow Katy, I know I said I liked it hot but ...................!!!!!!
*edit due to copyright FC website can you please provide a link Briar :wink
the pools are fab, the food was ok but we managed. the evening entertainment was good for the kids and the beach party was brilliant. everyone enjoyed it even the kids.
the rooms are quite big and very clean.
we will hopefully be going again the only downfall was the mozzies. they bite everyone. My daughter had 33 bites but it didnt stop her having fun.
if anyone has any queries then please ask.

even in november there were flies everywhere, camel dung along the whole stretch of beach, food so bad you wouldnt believe, shabby rooms,shabby staircases,shabby staff who,s only aim in life is to part you from your money as quickly and as dishonestly as possible
the only things in their favour was nice pools and gardens, and our room cleaner who wasnt dishonest and very friendly.
Tunisia and the hotel sahara beach should be avoided at all costs

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