I think you will find that all the rooms have fridges in them, it certainly seemed to be the case this last year in the Palace, didn't see any rooms in the tropical so can't comment there (OMG I can't beleive it's 2006

Buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks available 11.30am-4pm. Themed restaurants available (one dinner per stay in each restaurant, pre-reservation required
Tweety Crèche for 12 - 35 months
Look out for selected properties featuring Tweety Crèche which can be pre-booked. Our NNEB/CACHE, or equivalent, qualified nannies and a maximum ratio of one nanny to three children ensure your child will always receive the personal attention they deserve. Working to UK standards, all our creches are safe, clean and well stocked with a range of toys and equipment from familiar UK brands such as Boots, Crayola and Avent. An evening Tweety Creche is also available.
This is off there website, Hope this helps
Katy xx