i have been reading some of the reviews and they seem very mixed so hopefully we will have a good time. as long as its sunny im not to fussed.
Is there anyone else going the same time as us. get in touch. i have 2 kids aged 3 and 4.
it is nice that you are coming to Turkey.
Pegasos is good hotel for esp kids. altough it is huge lm sure you&kids will enjoy your holiday here.
Sarigerme it is a small turkish village. when you go out you ll see real turkish life here.
at the begining of June the weather is sunny in Sarigerme. The sea water is warm to swim. also Pegasos has many ncie pools
Enjoy your holiday
I sooo wanted to be there at the bit where the girl is sitting dipping her toes in the water at the spa gardens and there is someone on the massage table behind her. You'll see what I mean.
Catherine xxx
going to pegasus tropical may 11th, cant wait

also still very confused about the money situation for this year, lira, euro, or pound?
We took lira and pounds. We found that sometimes paying in pounds was a better deal than in lira. For example at the kids club on certain nights like the chocolate party it was £2 or 6 lira and in the town we found it to be similar. There is also a cash machine in sarigerme which was very handy. Also with the hairdryer which my other half is also fussy about was very good so she says.
Hope some of this helps and a have a great time in may
Hi I booked to stay in the tropical end may for 2 weeks, we are a family of 4, today i have received a letter to advise that the tropical cannot take a family of 4, only families upto a max. of 3! What we are being offered is a transfer to the palace in a jacuzzi suite, so do you think this is a good offer, we most probably won't use the jacuzzi, as it most probably just in the bath, and who wants to sit in the bath with everything else going on!! We are also meeting friends there they are a family of 3 and there in the tropical, please can someone let me know the difference and we will still be able to dine with our friends? are the hotels easy walking distance or a 10 minute trek? Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks in advance.

There are some photos of the jacuzzi suites on here in the photo gallery. Its just really a bath with water jets, not a big stand alone jacuzzi but I think the rooms are laid out differently from the normal rooms.
Go to first choice website and price the jacuzzi suite for the time you're going. I'm sure you'll find its more expensive than you've paid.
Best wishes and have a lovely holiday (we're off on 15th May!)
Catherine x
Its nice to see lots of you getting excited about going to The Palace!

We went last Sept it was fantastic - the kids will love it and so will you cause they will be happy and falling asleep early as they will be so busy at the clubs!

There were 9 of us age ranges from 2-55 and we all didnt want to come back - 4 of which are going again in August.

If anyone has any questions I will help you best I can - either PM me or post here!
Have a great time!!

I wonder if you or anyone else could let me know which block or rooms would be the best to ask for at The Palace.
We've booked a Jacuzzi suite and I'd like to e mail them before we go to request the best location.
thanks in advance

I WAS seriously thinking of booking Pegasos Palace. I've read a couple of review sites and to be honest I didn't expect quite so many negative points.
I'm deeply concerned about the 'Mozzie' situation - my husband and son have very bad reactions to Mozzie bites.
I'm deeply concerned about the resort being built on a Marsh land (hense the Mozzies I would imagine).
The Beach - what exactly is WRONG with the beach??? I love a golden sand beach on my doorstep and by the sounds of it, this one doesn't have that (even though it is worded that it does).
I love the pool areas with the water lumes and slides - will be ideal for my 10 & 7 year olds.
Accommodation looks great and haven't seen a negative word about them.
Food doesn't really seem to be THAT much of a problem - you can't please all the people all the time and all that.
I would very much appreciate hearing from anyone who has been relatively recently - there seems to be a vast difference in opinions from September to mid October.
Please help. Thank you for your time.
I booked the Pegasus Palace before it opened last year, for this year. So as a regular turkey forum user anyway, I watched the horrendous reviews that came in at the start and watched them slowly get better throughout the season. The people who went at first were treated horrendously and went to a hotel that was barely finished. But as the season went on the initial teething problems seemed to get sorted. Of course towards the end there was still some people complaining about the food and drink but you can't please everyone.
I personally am going with an open mind and imagine when I arrive in May I will be seeing a completely different hotel that people saw last July. The gardens will hopefully have matured too and I imagine it will look magnificient.
The problems with the beach seem to be that they never spent any time developing it during the season. I'm hoping they will have spent some time on it now. It was full of rubble etc from the building of the hotel so wasn't really suitable for letting your kids run about in. Also the water is quite rough and the sea dips very quickly so its not great for letting kids paddle in, not much FC can do about that though.
The mozzies, well yes, they seem to be a problem. I too react really badly to mosquito bites and on my first visit to Turkey was eaten alive. The last time I went I took heed of all the advice on the mozzie thread which you can find here http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=240. My actual post from when I came back about what I used is on page 10 but basically I did everything, garlic capsules, vit b12, skin so soft dry oil spray, citronella oil and a good repellant. Needless to say I didn't get one bite, I think the mozzies were scared to come near me.

So, I haven't been yet but this is what I've found out from reading every thread on here regarding the PP. If I've missed anything out I'm sure someone who was there will come on and post it.
When are you thinking about going? No matter when, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.
Regards and HTH
Catherine x
Scottishmum has pretty much summed it up
I was there in July and really didn't enjoy it, but that's just my opinion, go with an open mind and see for yourself else you will never know and always be wondering
As for your concerns about the swamp...YES it is built in the middle of one, all the building work going on doesn't help the Mozzies settle down either...from what I could see and still reading there is still vast building work going on so i can't see the situation improving any...if at all
First choice did spray whilst we were there, once
, but IMHO they should do it everyday given the severity of the Mozzies...they only had to open there eyes and see the people walking about on Crutchs and all bandaged and swollen up to see there was a major problem...I personally have never seen anything like it before...
Katy xx

I was there in July and really didn't enjoy it, but that's just my opinion, go with an open mind and see for yourself else you will never know and always be wondering

As for your concerns about the swamp...YES it is built in the middle of one, all the building work going on doesn't help the Mozzies settle down either...from what I could see and still reading there is still vast building work going on so i can't see the situation improving any...if at all

First choice did spray whilst we were there, once

Katy xx
there is a small hatch between the lounge and the bedroom,with sliding doors. and both rooms are a good size ( i,ve seen smaller)
the tropical is a very short walk (about 5 minutes) away and you can use the facilities at both hotels.
i,m sure you will enjoy it....your kids are certainly going to
jo, the questions you have asked seem to be answered apart from the BEACH. Call me sad if you like but me and my family love beaches and have liked AI in the past. When we were looking to book, one of the things we were taken by was that it sat on a Golden Sandy beach. That is what First Choice put in their brochure! It is not what they advertise. I picked up pieces of glass, there was bits of metal lieing around and it's basically a stretch of grit. The sea shelves very deep and I would not let my kids in the sea because it was IMO very dangerous due to the currents. FC have come up with some jargon about it being a turtle nesting beach, well great I'm all for conservation but they should not mislead people who spend a lot of hard earned money. Apart from my rant, go and have good time, we were one of the pioneers and will def not go back, at least the second yeares will hopefully have a much better experince than ours.

Also we've been told we can use all facility's in tropical as well as palace.
please correct me if I'm wrong
If anyone has been in May before could they please fill me in on the weather?
The mozzie problem had a huge debate going last year - yes people did get bit - but the hotel had started taking firm measures to combat the problem - I was bit twice - but this is not unusual for me in Turkey.
The beach was not developed when we were there - ie lots of weeds growing, bit of litter etc but during our 2nd week (sept) the tractors had been on during the night (didnt hear a thing!!) and cleared it and the beach bar etc had been built and a path had also been laid - so I would imagine it will all be finished for the start of the season.
Not sure about jacuzzi suites we had a family room - my photos are on page two of the album - with room number and the floor plan and bathroom etc.
Try not to be put you off too much - we did and almost cancelled before we went - thank goodness we didnt - it was a great holiday and the kids had a ball!!

Can any of you advise what Jacuzzi suites are in the best location at The Palace please.
Just a quick THANK YOU for your prompt replies.. I WAS thinking of booking for mid June but tbh I've taken onboard all the comments and I can't take the chance. Thankfully I haven't booked yet so I'll look to other parts of Turkey. I'll leave it a year and will hopefully go next year - IF they've pulled their fingers out.
jo you have just made a very wise decision, we went in september,we wont be going back

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