hı ya eveyone
ı am at the palace rıght at the moment.ı wıll wrıte a full review on tuesday when ı return...but ı had to write about the hotel while here so here goes
food 1/10 absolutly dısgustıng me and my son are survıng on bread and greasy chıps...
entertaınment 6/10 quıte good especıally for kıds but most evenıngs spent playıng cards and ın bed by 10.30 every nıght
rooms.7/10 clean tıdy not alot of space when theres 5 of u but hey who stays ın there room all day
pools.10/10 excellent
all ın all ıf htey sorted the food out thıs hotel would be excellent but ıt should never be a all ınclusıve ıt should be on self caterıng so u could go out and eat but as uve payed for ıt u expect to not have to go out..
lıke ı saıd thats ıt for now ı wıll gıve full report on tuesday ..
bye for now xxxx
oh by the way the weather ıs absolutely beautıful thınk ıts up ın 30s stıll so brıng loads of suncream..
not very posıtıve revıew but ı have to say the holıday ıs excellent except the FOOD we r havıng a great tıme other than the FOOd ..xxxxx
not sure about the kıddıes nuggets etc coz we have not had seen any ın the kıds reataurants ıts just the same food as the adults just served earlıer and loads of mozzıes ın kıds restaurant so no go for us xxx