Just back from the Pagasus Palace landed at 9.30 this morning do so a little tired but can not be bothered to go to bed till later
Any questions please ask i will give you my honest opinion
God it does not seem two minutes since i was asking questions on the site
Myers Family
i didn't see height restrictions being enforced, some young kids with arm bands were going down on their own, some parents were going up the steps with the kids then going down the slide first to catch them in the water when they came down. some kids were sitting on their parents knees to go down. the only thing the lifeguard seemed quite strict about was moving children away from the bottom of the slide in case anyone coming down bumped into them
Don't mean to cause panic but brother and sister in law at Palace as I type. Have been there a week and have just rung us to say that they are asking to be moved as the food is absolutely awful. Meat is not being cooked thru, liver eaten yesterday was rancid and general hygiene poor - using same spatulas for cooked and uncooked meat. Also report one family have all four children in hospital on drips and hospital costs already in excess of £800. Have been advised that there is none to speak to until tomorrow re moving - will let you know what happens. Not too happy as due to fly out ourselves on 15th for two weeks and have 4 children to worry about. Would add that other than food they said that everything else is excellent and the complex and everything there is spectacular - just the food that has ruined things and can't face it any more.
we ate at palace 3 times and there food was actully better then ours so i am very surprised to hear that,we also heard of people being on drips ,but for only one day,which i found strange,then up and about next day as if nothing had happened!!!! the food realy is not as bad as people are saying ,yes it is sometimes not very hot ,but thats only because the other people leave the lids up ,if you go in the restauarants when they first open its very hot ,but there are microwaves in both restaurants to warm food up in ,which i did everymeal time....im sorry to hear they are ill,but there was hardly any illnesses there last week when we were there....maybe one or two! also nearly all the food is cooked fresh infront of you,my husband ate liver twice last week and he loved it!!!!
HI Tresesas, Sorry to hear about you in laws, but which restarant are they eating in as we eat in the ouside restarant for everymeal as we did not like the indoor one is was very noisy and i think the food was better in the outside restarant, we went 5 weeks ago the hotel was full and we only saw 1 couple who had a tummybug, perhaps the hotel have let things go down hill as it is nearly the end of the season, if i was you i would go and find out for your self, i spent 3 months worring about the hotel and i was really worring about nothing, it was one of the best AI we have been to. Good Luck
What's the temperature out there at the moment? Does anybody know if the pools are heated? Was in Alcudia this time last year and pools were cold. Off next Monday looking forward to it.
thanks for replies -have been watching the ups and downs on this site since booked last November so happy to go and see what happens - there seems to be that many different stories re the food and seems to go up and down all the time. I'm happy to live on salad and fruit for 2 weeks - hopefully will come back lighter! Other half is a keen chef, has said if food is that bad will offer to cook his own! I must admit although not packing until next week, have everything ready and just looking forward to a nice break and glorious weather - I think as with most families - as long as the kids are happy parents are too! Thanks to everyone who has posted on their return - will make sure that post when get back with own experiences!
we came back on friday and it was in high 90s,lovely and warm,got a bit chilly few evenings though,and none of the pools are heated ,they cold when yop first get in ,but with the sun you do warm up quickly...there is plenty of food to choose from,not only the main restaurant ,but there are chips,toasted sarnies and hotdogs at lunch time also cakes and biscuits in the afternoons....
OK .......... I've been waiting ages to do this, so here we go..... I'm back, just arrived home now, and I have to tell you the Pegasos Palace is a great place, and I had a wonderful time. I shall post a full report tomorrow, but one quick thing. The food, it is hot tasty and there is lots of it ..... shall post tomorrow. Elmo
Hope you have a fab time tho and I've no doubts that you will have just as good a time as you have had this year. Its looking like more and more people are enjoying it just as we did so thats a good sign.
Is it costing you much more for next year or have they not put the prices up too much yet?
Have a fab time

well we arrived back from the palace this morning and we'll be going to bed soon so will keep this short and write a proper report tomorrow but just want to say the place is fabulous! we've had the best holiday of our life,
no tummy bugs or ear infections only mossie bites - take antihistamins and 'ben's' repellant as they have got used to 'sin kov' now and eat you anyway!
the grounds are amazing almost wept with relief on arrival, all staff both fc and hotel pleasant and helpful (although we had no probs so maybe that is why)
pools are astounding, grounds huge,
food okay in main restaurants, perhaps because i'm not a big meat eater so stuck to salads etc but better in theme restaurants especially the italian. however,not keen on the flies in restaurants
weather was great for most of our stay except a freak storm that lasted about an hour yesterday morning, this did result in the hotel lobby being inches in water due to a drainage problem and some sad compensation minded people wasted part of their holiday filming the staff cleaning up the mess, however this said the storm was very fast and as i said a freak occurance and the staff worked hard to cause as little disruption as possible but some people do like to moan.
anyway will go now, if anyone has any questions i will check the forum tomorrow and hopefully dispell any fears.
once again though brilliant holiday with only a few negatives mainly caused by other guests not fc or the hotel.
only wish i could afford to go again next year but i think first choice will be putting the prices up soon so make the most of it!
i was hearing criticism like this months before we went, along with slippy tiles, chidren cutting their feet, ear infections,entertainment etc etc etc. we almost tried to change but i,m glad i didnt we had a great time.
weve been on 7 cruises incuding P&O Royal carribean, Cerlebrity, so i know a little about good food,and while the pegasus hotels food is not as good as these ships, its still varied,most times hot and tasty.
i too had the liver and went back for more,there was certainly nothing rancid about mine, and they were cooking it while you waited.
in conclusion, the drinks were strong,there were no waiting 30 minutes to be served, there were plenty of sun loungers.the reps were helpful,and the entertainment was not as awful as i,d been led to believe.
i just wish the holiday from hell could go back to this hotel and they will see 95% of people enjoying their holiday immensely, as for the other 5% well you cant please everybody can you?
We were there at the height of the season and I got the dreaded stomach problem. They put you on a drip NOT to cure the bug but to replace the fluids and salts etc lost through the sickness and diarhoea, then you take the tablets prescribed. I can't fault the medical team there, I thought they were brilliant.
Yes, I had a few things that I could moan at but didn't and certainly didn't go with the compen culture attitude. You could find faults with any holiday if you went looking for it and if you are of that mind then fair enough, I'm not.
I would not return to the Pegasus because I prefer more of a resort type holiday where you can get out and about if you choose and do not like being stuck on 1 complex. In balance though, I have recommended the Palace to a couple of friends who like that type of holiday and think they will book for next year on the strength of my visit.
I just wish FC had been more honest in their description because I was very disappointed with the beach. We love beach holidays where the kids can play in the sea and the sand and I would challenge anybody who can honestly say that the beach was a safe golden sandy beach because it wasn't. That is why we loved the Dalyan mud trip where they take you to the turtle beach for the afternoon, it was like paradise compared with the Palace beach.
Anyway it's just my opinion and anybody who has booked for the end of this year or next, go with an open mind and enjoy yourself but don't eat the liver LOL.
Now, I if I can start at the very begining. The airport, it is small hot and not customer friendly. The baggage carousel is slow, and people do tend to crowd around it. If you hold back, have a seat, and then go in at the end it is much less stressful. Transfer to the hotel is fast and efficient, and the check in process is quite quick. Our armbands we on and rooms allocated within 30 mins. The bell boys took our luggage in the golf cart, and we were in out room within 5 mins. We had a jacuzzi suite and we were very impressed.
The jacuzzi suite had a living room area, with TV and an AC unit. Wine and fruit were left for us. The bedroom was large and spacious, and it had a very large bed, it also has an AC unit. Bathroom was large and functional, the bath had air jets to create the jacuzzi effect, there were always a plentiful supply of towels.
On the first evening we wandered around to the pool bar for a drink before dinner, the staff were courteous and friendly. We tried our limited language skills, and the staff had a good laugh !!!!! We asked them their names and generall said hello to all, and off we went to dinner.
We felt a little worried as we entered the restaurant. It is split into two parts, basically inside and outside. We opted to stay in the ouside part.
Really it is just the same as the inside part........ but with no walls.
Food. I never had a bad meal in the restaurant. What you HAVE to remember is that this is mass catering for over a thousand people. There was an ernourmous choice of dishes at each meal, at breakfast we counted one morning Seventeen (17) different dishes. That inclues saugages, salads, cheeses, various breads, cereals, beans, eggs that could be boiled fried omletted, or scrambled. Then of course there is a selection of fruits. With speciality teas, coffee and ordinary tea, no one should go hungry.
The quality of the food is consistent, and at lunch and dinner several dishes were cooked in front of you. I did hear some people complaining about the food at the bar one night, and you know how it is, you hear raised voics and you immediately tune in. These guests had been very vocal in their comments about the bar staff, the hotel and Turkey in general. Their comments were not complimentary. The service that they received from the bar staff was in direct corrolation to the respect they they themselves gave the bar staff. I went over to them, with a completely open attiude, and I asked them what they thought about the food, they said it was S**T, OK I said can you tell what exactly what is wrong with it ..... they thought about for a while....1 second, and said ..... "It's S**T" I then asked how they felt about the hotel in general, and do you know what they said ????????????? .....It's S**T
I then felt that I might be making things worse, so I thought I would back of a little. I did ask one last question of our intrepid duo, I asked what where their expectations of the catering, and they replied "WE WANT GOOD ENGLISH FOOD" At that point I retired, you just can't get through to some people.
So, now onto the entertainment. We were quite conservative in our choice of entertainment. Let me tell you, you need look no further than the pool bar in the evening. There is a duo, Debbi & Larry, keys and guitar, and they will rock your world. They cover all the bases. Then can rock like a B***H, or be real mellow. I got up to sing with them a couple of times and they encourage this among the guests. They even threw a birthday party for me on our last night. They really good, and they do two sets a night. Big respect to two hardworking musicians, who made a difference to my holiday.
There are other places for entertainment, like the amphitheatre, we never actually went there, because as I have pointed out we were more than happy at the pool bar.
Now, can I say something about the staff. Thet are unfailingly courteous in their dealing with the guests. The waiters in the restaurant are eager and fast, they do not whip your plate away immediately, their skills are very good, and quite appropriate. The bar staff are an absolute hoot, friendly and again have an appropriate level of interaction with guests. Basically if you are friendly with them, you will be rewarded with fine service and a winning smile. Big hello to Milli at the pool bar, he ran that bar in a most efficient manner. I would also like to thank the people who made this holiday a great success ..... Geoff, Nita, and my wife the old trout herself.......
If your ready to go, go with an anticipation of a very good time. You will, I promise, have a great time.
And finally to all that were there at my birthday party on Sunday Oct 2
Don't forget ......... HIT THE PEA... MISS THE GRAPES!!!!
I would welcome any comments, and any questions. ELMO (Mike)
re: The food ,i spoke to some people on a trip and they complained about the food,so i asked them what they thought was wrong with it,they said "there was not enough "ENGLISH"stuff,i laughed and said to them "you are joking arnt you,i then pointed out that every meal there was ,battered fish,beefburgers,chips,chicken nuggets,pizzas salads coming out your ears ,soups and breakfast cearaels,i said how much more english do you want and they said "we want a good english breakfast with BACON and sausages"i then pointed out its a muslim country and they dont eat bacon and sausages...there answer ohh we didnt realise..."you just cant win with some people!!!!!please everyone waiting to go .you will love it ,like me if your food is warm stick it in the microwave for few mins...they did a lovely chicken stir fry(although it actully looked like stew)i had 3 portions of this it was so nice,can highly recommend it ....and the ommelletts in morn ...mmmmm freshly cooked,i found the outside restaurants best as not so many go to them and they seem to cook more stuff freshly there...

we arrived at dalaman airport approx 8pm yes it is very stuffy airport,,but no problems getting luggage and on to coach for transfer of 20 mins which was really good
after arriving at the palace it was havoc nobody knew what we were to do as rep hadnt told us anything except go to reception to check in,,we had to fill out forms without anyhelp as it was all in turkish which was not much use as told to passport number in box which asked for it ...yeah yeah now if anyone knows the turkish for this then they were better than me,,as we found our room on our own as noone would help us as the bell boys were to busy taking cases and waiting for tips we saw our cases left outside so we entered our room and took our cases in then we had knock on our door from the bell boy expecting a tip which at that time as we only had notes was not going to give him anything so he had a moan to himself in turkish..
any how found the hotel itself very clean and tidy water slides were excellent for the kids and there is no age limits on any of them swimming pools were nice but myself and my 3 children all suffered from skin irritations on our faces which i did put down to the pool as many ppl had the same around there noses and mouths ,,,on saturday we saw pooh floating in the pool at that time i told my children to get out and inform the guard we moved from that pool and went to another one as infections may of been lurking in the water,it took them 2 hrs 2 remove the faceses from the water at that time i had told many ppl what was there but they just seemed to of shrugged it off,anyhow they didnt clean that pool till that evening so who knows what else was in that water,,
we found the food was very bland many of the stuff was just disgusting ,,sausages,,white have u ever seen wht sausages b4 NO,beans hard,scrammbled egg all watery,the best things at brekkie was boiled egg or omellete,,dinner and lunches everything was chips,,mashed potatoes were like water,,roast potatoes were potatoes with spicy coating,nuggets were spicy,pizza was ok but not much flavour,all in all the food was the worst i have eaten ,,the outside restaurants were terrible for mozzies thre was hundreds every night so it was difficult to go gwet kids meals as this was where they were situated unless u wanted to be eaten alive
entertainment was good in the amphitheatre as they had the mini disco on for the kids which my kids love going too,,but on monday(yesterday)we were sat round the main pool by the speakers and found out about other things going on in the other bars but we didnt know this b4 as there was no signs up and u only knew these things if u wanted to walk around and find them and get bitten by hundreds of mozzies or sit by the main pool if u didnt dothis u never knew about it..
all in all a great holiday except the food
mobile phones work fine over there what i found out was...i am o2 network pay as u go and if u use ur camera pics to send messages u werent charged a penny i did this for the whole week by sending pic messages i never used any credit ..which was cool..

Can anyone tell me who is just back from pp
what the beach is like now.
Has the golden sand been put down over the greyish sand as we are now in the oct month or are they waiting for the end of season too do this.
thanks alot for all the onfo
nah sand is still dark and hot to walk on,,they havent done anything to it as yet well i couldnt see they had anyhow
nope the sand is still a lovely brown,with bits of stone and twigs in it,ohh and it gets so hot you burn your feet on it so have to wear shoes!!!!..meant to say when we got to airport at 3am we got through customs fast and too the hotel fast,and even at that time of morning we managed to suss out the forms and find our way to our room...without the help of a porter as we did not want to wait for our cases,although we did have probs with the keycard and had to go back to reception where they put it somewhere and activated it...but there was plenty of staff about when we got there at that time,maybe they were short staffed when other people went there....was ok with us though and was realy pleased with the speed of checkin....

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