Does anyone know if there are lifeguards on the pools?
Yes I've read in earlier posts that there are lifeguards.
I hope so because the resort will look so much better.
Anyone know how long they take to mature ?
Yes there are lifeguards, only by the slides though, when we were there they were excellent and anybody being stupid on the slides(there were plenty) were taken off straight away.
We and our friends will NEVER book with FC again - not just because of things going wrong at the hotel but how they deal/or not deal with issues and problems. They seem excellent at ignoring their customers.

Does anyone know why the PT is actually shut? But even if FC do tell you, you don't know if it is another bunch of lies.

fingers crossed, wait and see, but don't hold your breath ??
The PT is closed because of the lack of bookings between the two hotels. They have decided to put everyone into the same hotel rather than to have 2 have 2 half empty places.
They are saying that the bird flu scare has affected bookings but i also suspect bookings have been affected by the negative publicity that the complex received last year when it opened!
IMO FC should have used their heads a bit more and taken the hit on having both hotels half full and made sure that everyone who went had a great time so they would come back and say what a wonderful place it is and what a fabulous time they had had. This in turn would have generated a positive view of the hotel and would have lead to repeat bookings and also new bookings.
This was a year where the pegagos could have gone along way to shaking off the reputation it got last year and started to realise the undoubted potential that it has for being a fabulous place to go!
I think FC need to get a big broom and sweep through their customer relations department and also clear out the people who make such hairbrain decisions without realising what the consequences are going to be.
I received a phone call today from Customer Services at FC - the person I spoke to was very helpful. She informed that due to both hotels not being full, they decided to put everyone in the same hotel (so that people are not rattling around - looking like a ghost town) this was only decided in the last few weeks aparently! She informed me that EVERYTHING in the tropical WILL BE CLOSED! But, everything in the palace is a mirror image of the tropical - apart from the indoor pool and spa gardens - the restuarants would have been serving the same food etc. I asked about football and kids club (wavelength), the kids club will still run but in another room in the palace and as for the football pitch this is aparently in the centre of the 2 hotels. She also informed me that most people that go the one of the hotels would have most probably stayed on there side only as the complex was so huge. Well all I can say from that is - we will just have to wait and see! We are going on the 20th May - see you there!
CANCELLED.I was due to travel on the 19th june 2006 for 2 weeks i have watched this site since last april (before it opened)I have read lots of good points and some bad.I knew before i booked it was in the middle of nowhere but as it was a holiday village i thought no problem it is a huge site there will be so much to do.I have called customer sevices( 0845 6004945)and yes pt will be closed in june,I asked if the pools would be open and they said no facilites at the pt will be available.I have now cancelled and booked holidayvillage majorca.I must say i do feel relieved after so much worry.when you save up all year for a holiday you want it to be fantastic not half shut.
Sorry to hear you cancelled paula* but at least you don't have the worry any more.
But, everything in the palace is a mirror image of the tropical - apart from the indoor pool and spa gardens
Dissagree...the PT has a different layout entirely to the PP...the shops are different and the Fish restaurant is over there...the Pools are different and so are the slides.
She also informed me that most people that go the one of the hotels would have most probably stayed on there side only as the complex was so huge


Katy xx
we changed to the viva in majorca too !! 27th May so see you there !!!

Paula and Purdieblue, Were you booked to stay at the PT or PP?
Edited by
2006-03-17 18:33:39
for what its worth, we went last year and we wandered around the pt a few times. as said the shops are different and so are the slides and pools. also a lot of the complaints from last year were that the complex was too busy in peak season, i.e queing for meals and sunbeds. i would have thought that less people would have been better, unless that is there really isn't a lot of bookings if that were the case then a bargain could be had.
Please can you advise - someone that has been before - would you still go if tropical was closed??????? do you still think its worth going???????
Im looking through the brochure now and it seems that even with just half of the villiage it seems it still maybe bigger than most of the other villiages. I am due to go on the 25th May and like most booked it last May. I have really been looking forward to it despite reading reports on this site. I am very unhappy that half of the villiage is going to be closed and think that we should be entitled to some kind of discount but Im sticking with it as it does look nicer than the other villiages.
Hi Pretty in pink - We also booked a year ago - again I feel the same as you - I've looked and still think this could be better than the other villages - we are going on the 20th - so see you there - when they moved as from tp to pp they did upgrade us to a jacuzzi room - i mentioned to fc today about discount - they advise they WILL NOT be giving any discounts due to the fact the hotels are mirror images - apparently!!!!
The PP is the only one that has all the water slides for the children and thats what my kids are looking forward to. The person in the previous post advises that when they stayed at the PP the only went to the PT a few times but it would be good to see what people who have been there before say about if they would go with only half a complex.
Ive been to remote hotels before and as long as the entertainment is good and the kids are not fed up it doesn't matter.

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