just sniffing the brochure again, don't you just love that smell

I know what you mean though, it's always an exciting time of year
Got my Airtours and Thomson brochures today

The Thomson Skytours brochure is now called "Thomson Value"

The lady in the Thomson shop was desperate to keep me in the shop or to get me to go back tomorrow after I've had a good browse tonight. Just had a look, the "Superfamily" hotels are now called "FamilyClub" and there are only a small handful of them which offer the teenagers club - and none of these are all-inclusive

I'm hoping the teen's club is still available as advertised in the 2007 brochure for the San Miguel when we go this August
There are only four Airtours "SunCentre" properties in their new brochure and none of these are all-inclusive either. It's a similar story with Thomas Cook/JMC's "SunZone" properties.
After recently returning from a great holiday in Fuerteventura with First Choice (all-inclusive, with FC teenagers club and UK entertainment team) I now have a very specific criteria for booking the next one - and First Choice seem to be coming out the best for ticking all my boxes - all-inclusive, teens club, etc.
I've tried in vain to convince the kids that self-catering would be a nice change and it would be fun to eat out in different places each night, but they're dead set on doing all-inclusive again, especially daughter (15 next year) because it gives her the freedom to wander round the hotel with friends all day and not have to come back to me for money for drinks, chips etc.
I'll have another look through the new brochures again over the weekend but I think I've already made up my mind...