Can anyone give me a bit of advice please before I lose the will to live dealing with Panorama Holidays (mytravel)??
Travelled to the meridien makadi bay in hurghada on 20th October for 1 week. Took the 4 kids so went all inclusive and didnt leave the complex to eat or drink. youngest child 13 months, eldest 11 years. the baby, my daughter and partner all had really bad tummys and the runs, I knew this could be a problem in Egypt so had taken lots of medicine with me just in case ( as you do with 4 kids !) after the week everyones tummies were ok ish.....the baby wasnt so
After returning on the Saturday we took him straight to the doctors on the Monday, he has now had 2 tests confirmed positive for salmonella, hasnt been to nursery since the 19th october, I have to keep paying for the place to keeep his booking open, we have had to take it in turns taking time off work with him, i feel awful asking for any more time off.
Wrote to Mytravel and said look can I have my money back please, we have clinical proof that the baby got salmonella from the hotel, we honestly did not eat anywhere else, they have not acknowledged my letter and everytime I call Im getting that 28 day rubbish. With all respect I think this should be treated with a bit more urgency surely ? We are now on day 26 of Salmonella with a 13 month old child.
I have an appointment at a solicitor on friday but before i wind myself up any further does anyone know if im wasting my time or is it worth pursuing them for compensation ?
I know its not the money that should count here but Im sooo angry that mytravel have exposed me to such risks and took just short of £3000 for the pleasure.
My friend had to be hospitalised after a holiday to the Dominican Republic.When Salmonella was confirmed and she was discharged from hospital she was visited by an officer from the public health department,her husband contacted the local press and she received all the money it had cost her for her holiday including her husbands even though he was fine.The tour operator were Thomson.
Proving illness abroad can be very awkward have a word with Ros Fernihough who often assists our members on this site. She is a Travel Law lawyer and is well known to all the major tour operators. She will offer you free advice with regards to your complaint. Ros can be reached on 01922 621114
Good luck and let us know how you get on. And I hope your baby is feeling better soon.
Are you perhaps in contact with anyone else who was at the hotel at the time, anyone who also became ill to back up your complaint? Did you notice anything at the time, a lot of people coming down with what looked like a bug?

you can also get salmonella from animals such as stray dogs or cats.
i would keep on phoning mytravel and really bugging them. Why jot threaten with holidays from hell or going to the press.
I would seriously think about it if i was you!

Contact Ros Fernihough who often assists our members on this site. She is a Travel Law lawyer and is well known to all the major tour operators.
She will offer you free advice with regards to your complaint. Ros can be reached on 01922 621114
You should always consider the consequences of making threats. If you cannot prove it beyond doubt then you could find it very expensive. Ros will give you FREE impartial advice.
As they say on that TV programme - The choice is yours.
They are not good when it comes to customer service but keep at it and eventually you will be offered some compensation if appropriate.
Good Luck with claiming. You have my sympathies.

Any news regarding your case? it would be interesting to know how far you got?
Yes, please give us an update of what happened and especially how are you all??
It took me months to recover but I contracted a very difficult strain of Salmonella (typical). Hopefully, you are all well again.
Has this person disappeared? Please let us know the outcome or have you not taken it any further?
HT exists to help others and many members give of their time for free, often spending a great deal of time researching to find a solution.
If any genuine advice seekers ever feel that nobody is helping them, then you know the reason why.
Any sympathy I may have felt for this poster has disappeared.
What a shame this member hasn't let everyone know how things are progressing.
some members don't visit the site every day/week and so an e-mail may get a response.
You ask for advice or help and one or more of our members endeavour to assist. Now it is good manners to say thanks and give feedback. It is not the responsibility of those who try to help to do the chasing.
There have even been occasions when members have replied and been abused because the original poster did not get the reply they wanted.
There are many postings in the other sections that ask for assistance and in most cases those who ask the question do say thank you. Why is this forum any different?
Anything I post is my own personal opinion - the same as everyone else.
Just a pause for thought. Given the circumstances of the original post and the fact that it concerned a baby, there might be other reasons why the original poster has not replied. Dare I say it, but something not altogether nice might have happened. In which case, the last thing the original poster would want to do is post a reply to the very generous advice they have been given.
Please let's just wait and see if the original member comes back to post. I dont want to lock the topic for digressing too much.
Kath HT Admin

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