Hi everyone, just came back from Altinkum a couple of days ago. Not only was it my first time to Altinkum, it was my first time to Turkey.
Overall I was really impressed!! I picked up some advice and tips from this discussion board beforehand (big thanks in particular to CruiseController!) but even so I didn't realise just how warm and friendly the locals would be. Just chatting to them for a few minutes and they made you feel like you were old friends. Funnily enough the only miserable so & so's that we did encounter happened to be English!
We stayed at the Royal Marina Apartments (not far from the more well known Esra Apartments), the apartment was really nice and spacious with great views all around from the roof terrace. The complex was large and clean with an on site bar/restaurant by the pool. As it was nearing the end of the season there weren't many other residents there.
As other people have already mentioned previously, some the roads/pavements were in quite a bad way outside the complex but I've seen similar in other countries so it didn't really bother me. I wondered if they're waiting to build more apartments wherever they can before focusing on the roads. I couldn't see any roadside drains so should imagine it would be hard for rain water to drain away if the roads were all tarmacked. (Later on that week, we ended up in a (Turkish) residential part of town away from the resort and noticed they had proper roads and pavements). There were also quite a few stray dogs wandering about but at no time were they a real nuisance, we had to shoo a couple away but they weren't aggressive.
We started off several mornings by having breakfast at the Kamachi Restaurant on Second Beach, which is run by Hassan and his family. We sort of stumbled upon it by accident on our first day there. As you approach it from behind, it seems really run down but the food was excellent as was the service. They've been there 21 years so they're obviously doing something right.
We explored all around Main Beach, lots of shops, restaurants and bars. Most of them tried getting us into their establishment but it didn't really feel like we were being hassled. Even when we politely declined their invitation, they still chatted to us and wished us a good holiday etc. What was really nice was they way they still remembered our names days later and asked how we were.
We ate at several restaurants there, didn't have a bad meal at any. The ones that I can still remember the names of (I wasn't entirely sober some of the time

) Paradise, Ali Baba, Karchechi, Vista, Sunshine Cafe, Pinocchio's, Cheers, Sahil. Price wise, we were paying about 15 lira per person. Vista was probably the priciest out of the lot and we probably had the best tasting meal at Cheers. Efes cost between 3 - 3.50 lira (compared to 2.50 lira at the shops).
I'm sorry to say I can't remember the name of one fast food place, it had a long bright orange sign, but they did great jacket potatoes which really filled you up, you got to choose up to 3 toppings, all for 5 lira. I didn't get the guy's name but he was really nice and waved to us whenever we walked past.
Nightlife was good but you could tell the season was coming to an end. On a couple of nights it was really quiet. On other nights it was nice to see more Turkish people around as it made it feel less touristy. In fact I hope the resort doesn't end up going "English" like some of Spanish resorts. There are already a few places like that with Sky TV and mainly English Menus. I also got bored with the break dancing boys fairly quickly although the ladies seemed to appreciate them more, can't think why
I had already been advised by the wonderful people on this discussion board to buy my lira from inside Turkey rather than taking it from the UK. Sure enough, along Main Beach the rates varied between 2.20 to 2.40 liras per £, compared to 2.11 lira offered by the Post Office the week before we went on holiday. The best rate was 2.40 at the Palmtree Boutique.
After a couple of days, we were beginning to to find our way around and ventured further out by Dolmus, where it was less touristy. We did notice the prices in restaurants were cheaper than at the resort but the quality was just a good. I'm not the most adventurous of eaters but I do like to try local cuisine whenever I have the opportunity and enjoyed everything I ate. Even better was the fact that at no time did I ever have a dodgy tum!
As it was nearing the end of the season there were a few bargains to be had at the shops. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I really enjoyed the haggling! Several shopkeepers seemed keen to get rid of their stock and would eventually agree to sell for half the price they were originally asking for, or would throw in something else.
All in all I had a great time in Altinkum and would definitely recommend it to anyone. I'm keen to visit other places in Turkey but will definitely be returning to Altinkum.