The owner of this place is a rude man, me and my other half were talking to a couple at the airport and they said they used this place quite often and that the food was nice, I was asking them about Indian gate, so we thought we'd go and try it, so one afternoon we took a walk over to it, it opened at 11.30am, we arrived at it around 12pm, no one was in apart from a waiter and the manager sat at the back, the waiter saw us stood at the door so he went over to the manager, the manager then looked over to us, noticed that we had a young child with us(who was very well behaved and quiet), shook his head and said no, bare in mind the place was empty and that it was in the afternoon, needless to say, I wished him all the best in going bust, it couldn't happen to a nicer prat, on the other hand we went to the china garden and the food was lovely and they welcome you with open arms, we will be visiting the china garden when we're next in Benidorm at the end of October 09.