I first got wind of the police doing this when spotty stooped us on the beach road and said the police were on their way down. He got a tip off and started pulling his own shack down so as not to lose anything.
The problem about licenses is down to the fact that they need 2 licenses to operate a shack - one from the Panchayat and one from the tourism dept.
Therein lies the problem. They can pay the 35,000 roops to get the Panchayat license - however tourism licenses are a lottery and it is nigh on impossible to get one.
The ridiculous thing is that no one has batted an eye in previous years. Yes there may have been a lot of baksheesh - allegedly - but the place ran a lot better.
The main issue was over the beds......
When on an inspection outside Brittos, the inspector had to get his feet wet due to the amout of beds on the beach. Whinged about it and made sure that all licensed shacks - with both licenses had only 10 beds as it was "blocking the beach for Indian tourists when foreigners stretch out on deck beds all day" - quote from Navhind Times.
Basically reading between the lines, he was a petulent so and so who decided to flex his muscle.
I have to say it was a really sad day watching my friends have to either tear down their own lively hood to protect it, or stand by and watch while the lathi armed police ordered people to take it down, with no care or regard and confiscate anything of value.
I will write a full holiday report later, when the lag wears off and the washing has been done......