We go from Cardiff at least 3 times a year it being our closest airport.
Usually park the car with Airparks and have never had a problem.
Last time we were dropped off a heck of a long way from the terminal and had a fair old hike with luggage to departures
Seems they are doing some landscaping in front of the building(not that anyone was actually working the day we were there)
So my question is do you know if this drop of point is a permanent thing or only while the work is being carried out...I've done a bit of research and it seems the work is due for completion in June sometime but will that mean things will go back to normal once it's completed and we will be dropped off at the terminal....
We were lucky our day of departure and arrival were dry days....but knowing what it's like in Wales I can imagine if it were raining you would get absolutely drenched on the long trek to and from the terminal and so would your luggage.....I for one don't relish the thought of sitting on a plane wet through for 2-3 hours or more then unpacking damp luggage at the other end
Anyone know anything??