Hi Suzie,
The limit is 200, as our thread on the subject shows (and as per my reply to you on another forum).
No its not correct, they may be allowing you to export more than 200 from Bulgaria but the restrictions on the amount you can bring in to UK remains 200.
thought it best to be sure
How come then, you can take a trip to say Amsterdam or Calais and bring 2700 cigarettes back with you but you cant from Bulgaria even though both countries are in the EU?

Because the EU has specifically permitted that the limit from many member states which have entered the EU from 2004 may be restricted and the UK, among others, has chosen to apply that limit - see HMRC Advice.
Information on the EU Special Rules can be found HERE.
In the case of Romania & Bulgaria, the limit may be retained until 31 December 2009.
(The HMRC *suggested* maximum amount of cigarettes from France, Holland, etc., is 3,200, rather than 2,700).

Have a look at this thread from elsewhere -
You will recognise some names, three of us do missionary work when we are not on here! There's another on the thread but he's under cover.
Never forget that for us in the UK nothing has changed in relation to cigarettes, no matter what anyone tells you, be they your Rep, someone at the airport, or another tourist.
Hi, I was in Varna Airport only last wednesday, I was allowed into Duty Free Shop and then asked to produce flight ticket, I was politely told "You must not buy cigarettes, you can have one bottle of Spirits and as much perfume as you like. When I got back to Gatwick (British Airways flight) customs were waiting and some were having a field day with what people had bought in resorts. So be warned Remember a phone call from baggage security in Bulgaria to Customs in England takes just a few moments, which is plenty of time to put them on their defences here. Tonyt
Cheers Baldur....that clears that up then

hope this helps peeeeeeeeeeeps

In relation to cigarettes, no matter what they will sell you in Bulgaria, H M Customs will only allow 200 per person into the UK.
Anyway just to let you know I went to buy 200 hundred fags from manchester on our way out and we was refused!! You cant take any fags out with but on the good side you can bring 3200 each back into the country legally!!!! So i did.
No, you can't legally import 3200 cigarettes into the UK from Bulgaria. The limit is 200.
you got there with the link just before I did

Nick- I don't know who told you you could take 3200 cigarettes but you were lucky! ( maybe best not to tell the OH what might have happened

im sorry but if you go to manchester airport and try to buy any on your way out they will tell you you cant and then they will tell you what you can bring back which they told me 3200. We was talking to a few other people on our flight and they also got told this! I carried 6400 because i used my other halfs limit through customs in duty free bags just yesterday.
Also when you buy anything at either end they scan your boarding pass and that brings your limits up on the screen to what you can buy!!
Manchester Airport Duty Free do not make the rules.
All I can say, is that you were a very lucky man, firstly you admit to having 3,200 cigs and then you break one of the strictest rules used by customs, in that you carried somebody else's purchases through. May I suggest you read up before travelling abroad again. I in my retirement do at least one trip a week as a courier from Dover and all rights nhave to be explained to passengers, anybody caught on the coach coming back with more than allowances and are detained for questioning are left behind and have to find their own way home. When I was in Varna in June I was not allowed into Cigarette area once the girl in shop saw my ticket. I will check again in Sept. Tonyt
See under b) For travellers returning from one of the Member States that joined the EU on 1 January 2007
See also HANSARD.
Anyone who prefers to believe what they are told by the duty free shop in Manchester over that published by the EU Taxation and Customs Union, Her Majesty's Customs and Excise and even Hansard, is free to do so, but can prove very expensive if caught smuggling.
The link to HM Customs given above is temporarily not working, but there is another confirming the 200 limit on cigarettes See under b) For travellers returning from one of the Member States that joined the EU on 1 January 2007
See also HANSARD.
Anyone who prefers to believe what they are told by the duty free shop in Manchester over that published by the EU Taxation and Customs Union, Her Majesty's Customs and Excise and even Hansard, is free to do so, but can prove very expensive if caught smuggling.
Note that if Customs Officers find over the 200 cigarette limit they will confiscate all, and also have the powers to seize any alcohol you have even if within the limit, and all those genuine counterfeit designer clothes etc you have spent your money on.
Plus heavy fines if they decide to prosecute.
We have a sticky on PASSPORT/VISA/DUTY FREE INFO/FOREIGN OFFICE ADVICE above, nothing has changed!

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