I was just trying to give those people waiting to go a balanced opinion of the Conrad.
I was there when you were so my recent opinion does count im sure.
Fairenough i enjoyed my holiday as i said im sorry you never but i am not blowing smoke up the Conrads **** as you put it .
We are all expressing different reviews because you didnt like it dosent mean others wont and cause i did enjoyit wont mean others will too .
This is a hotel ive been to only once and would return as it was very cheap and what i thought value for money as Caveman stated.We only paid £500 i think i got more than my monies worth .
I do not see why you have to post nasty comments reguarding my posts .
Yes i lack punctuation but im not writting a letter to the queen .
I think Briar has more than covered everything!
Anyway, having seen some of the recent controversial reviews I am feeling a lot happier and think that we have made the right decision. I have had my suspicions for a while that things may not be quite so rosy at the Conrad as the pictures painted by some contributors to this site. My concerns were only addressed by First Choice with regard to the building work in progress at the Conrad the day after we had cancelled, when they finally confessed to the work in progress which we on this site have known about since April!
As long time All Inclusive fans we have experienced most of the problems referred to with regard to food and drink so were not too concerned. We have also learned to keep an eye on the minibar, and do the occasional check on the bill so we know if the odd 'extra' has been slipped in.
All in all I have to say you speak as you find. Some of you have had good times, in which case I am happy for you and others not so good, of course with you I sympathise. Either way my partner and I are now looking forward to our holiday elsewhere, albeit at an extra cost of £700, but at least we will be staying with a long established A/I hotel chain, from whom we have a good idea what to expect having stayed with them in the past.
Good luck to those who choose to go to the Conrad, I admire your confidence, and also good luck to those of you having come back with problems still to remedy after your visit! Either way everyone is entitled to voice their own opinions. I would, however, hope all are expressed on an impartial and honest basis on this site which I feel is an invaluable tool to assist in choosing a holiday!
I have to say that we agree wholeheartedly with Templars review of the Conrad. We were there 21st July to 4th August also. I have not had much time as yet to post my own full review but will do so asap.
It's funny how the only contradictions to said report concern:
a. The pleasantness of the staff.
b. The need to tip, or not as the case maybe
c. and subjective comments about enjoyment levels and relative value for money.
This leads me to believe that very few people can actually contradict the objective evidence presented.
The fact remains, the report I posted is a true reflection of The Conrad. I took the time to highlight the good, bad and ugly aspects of this hotel and holiday package. I am now being villified for doing so. If you are looking for great underwater views and guaranteed sunshine then this place is great, for everything else, there are far better places around the world and better deals. Unfortunately, they don't come in at the Benidorm price.
My review of the Conrad.
This will be a long post as i will try to go into as much detail as possible.
Firstly the airport was not as bad as it had been in December . The staff were much more organised going out and coming in. There wasnt any problems if you didnt wish to buy a visa.There wasnt even anyone sitting on the floor !!. We had no problems - however ( hearsay ) others had change from their pockets taken when they put their money in the trays. On the way back a football had been confiscated by airport staff as it could not be deflated.
There are still the usual problems with people being helped with their luggage to the bus and then realising that these guys want paying. First Choice employ men to load your cases onto the bus. It is their job and they get paid for doing so. Again they asked everyone for money, some paid, some didnt.The going rate was £5. Some who didnt pay had their luggage removed from the bus. We called the first choice rep over to the bus and they sorted it out - giving the people who paid their money back and much heated discussion with the men who took it.
The day we were leaving the hotel First Choice rep CLARE told us that there was no duty free at sharm airport. There is. 200 L & M cigarettes £3.00. 1 litre malibu £10. 200 rothmans £10. There is also a place to buy pizza ( good after the food at the conrad ) and chips which had sprinkled herbs on. There are also sandwiches and baguettes at around £3 to £4.
When we arrived at the Conrad we were taken to the disco and given our envelopes which contained keys and wristbands, then escorted in groups to our corridors and our rooms were pointed out.The rooms are fairly big and clean but bathroom had stained toilet seat and tiles were cracked. There were very large ants on the balcony. The doors and wooden furniture are scratched and have seen better days. I found our bed comfortable but my husband said it was far too hard. Please beware of the mini bar ( read my previous post ). The bedding and towels are changed daily and the rooms cleaned well.We paid for 2 sea view rooms and were given the ground floor. On getting up the next day we discovered that we could not see the sea at all . All you could see were trees, sand, sunloungers the massage tent and the trips shack. We asked the rep CLARE to see if we could move and she did nothing.

I have to say i was

The desserts were varied and plentiful. The creme caramel is lovely.
The indian restaurant at the baron was ok but i ordered chicken and expected it to be breast meat. It wasnt. The lamb rogan josh was good and it made a change from what the Conrad served up so it was worth it. We paid £25 for 3 of us inc drinks.

The beach is beautiful. The sea stunning. The coral, fish and snorkelling amazing. We saw lionfish, barracudas and loads of jellyfish which did not sting. There is the daddy of all fish down by the jetty but we dont know what he is its just massive. Hope my underwater photos come out so i can find out!! If you are looking for a cheap mask that works fine go to the supermarket at the baron they sell them separately for £3. We brought more expensive ones with us and they were useless.

We used factor 30 and 40 suncream but still got burnt. It is very hot.
3 out of 5 of us got egypt tummy that lasted most of the holiday. Diax did settle it in the end. My son got ear infections and we got drops from the baron pharmacy.

We went to Naama Bay 3 times with the hotel shuttle bus with no problems. The Dannaneer restaurant is very good food - the steaks lovely. Hard Rock Cafe the kids enjoyed - cola floats and milk shakes. Pizza Hut is very cheap and very nice. Mc Donalds is very cheap over there - supersize milkshake for 60p.

What can i say about the rep - CLARE. Not a lot as she is a waste of time. The morning after the bombs went off we were in the breakfast restaurant with no idea what had happened and found out through other people who had recieved phone calls from home to say what had happened. We were all left to find out for ourselves what was going on and to me that is totally unacceptable. She did not let anyone know, there were no meetings, no cards through the doors - nothing. The general manager was left to come and talk to us around the poolside to say that we were supposed to stay in the hotel that day and if we needed anything to go to him. CLARE did not even do the checklist to see if we were all here until 2 days later.
After all the worry about the situation it unnerved us even more to find out the emergency meeting for all the arab leaders was to be held in our hotel on the wednesday.The first we knew of this was the high armed police presence in our hotel followed by searching of empty rooms and gadaffi strolling into the bar with his bodyguards. I felt that we could be a target for more terrorist attacks and again none of this was told to us by the rep we got more information from an egyptian newspaper which was printed in english from the bar!!!!!! On holiday you dont want groups of armed men strolling around late at night when their attention seems to be on your teenage girls. This came to a head on the wednesday night when they were using the hotel disco and the girls were being grabbed by the men. The disco was closed by howard (one of the djs ) because of this.
The Conrad is good value if you treat it like a self catering hotel with free beer and soft drinks and you want a clean hotel with a lovely beach and fab snorkelling. Trouble is its a 20 min bus ride into naama bay and thats quite a way every night for a decent meal. If you are looking for a good all inc hotel you will be dissapointed.
For those who remember my wife getting parasitic infection. She is now fully recovered and are planning nextholiday in Sept. Not sure where yet. The hotel is 3 star but its not that bad ..We are vodka drinkers and you just have to ask for more..Yes a tip does help. But as they dont drink they dont know how each dindividaul likes. I like a vodie with about 3 unit measures in it. And l got it.....Ent. is not good. But we were normally scooping for Scotland....Food.. We did not eat much but when we asked for a special at lunch time. We got what we wanted with no Questions and helpful concerned staff. Good hotel but not for wimps..
Some pretty strong words and reports

Pippa - What your view now your holiday is coming to an end - any real change to previous reports

Sorry, I might be misunderstanding the comment "...scooping for Scotland." but I'm sure it could lead to racial stereotyping! Tut, Tut! (Not King Tut!)
Hi Templar, we thought the idea of all inc. was to take advantage ofthe free booze. Egypt is the home of beer. So thats the first thing we noticed at the hotel. Local brew was very tasty. Wine not bad. Spirtits are spirits when mixed. Well nearly.....

I truly believe that most of the waiters have a good idea how we like our drinks by now and that most ( not all ) of them know that we will tip to make them stronger.
I have no doubt that when asking for food thats maybe not on the menu that day a tip will ensure you get more or less what you ask for.We know someone in particular that has a liking for extra cheese in his omelette and a tip has ensured he gets it!!

Whether people are "wimps" or not has nothing to do with the fact that if we have paid for all inc then we should expect a reasonable standard of food and drinks. Not all of us are here for the beer!
The Conrad has an enviable position on a beautiful beach. My husband went paragliding ( beach £30 ) and saw that nearly all other hotels had a rock with steps cut out for their beach, so im glad we chose the Conrad for that reason, but after 2 weeks of truly terrible food and drinks we wouldnt go back.
Yvonney, sorry, I intended to be included in the wimps. The food is not good at all. We are going back to Southern Spain to an all inc. hotel that we have been to many times. Never been ill and the drinks are okay.. Hotel is only 3 star though. I could not get my wife back to the Conrad untill she has had another holiday...You need strong guts ect for this hotel not delicate tummys like we had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

got my wires crossed i think as i thought you were referring to me !!!!

Just to say that we have been on many holidays abroad,( 12 since 1999 ) some b&b, some half board and many all inclusive and have to say that the food was the second to worst at the Conrad.
Hi there again, I thought the breakfasts were the only acceptable thing there. The parasitic infection my wife got had to come from the food. As we only ate in the hotel and drank bottled water. Did not go anywhere the pool. Its a good job we ended up with a doctor who recognized tropical diseases. We were there in early May and she only got out the hospital a few weeks ago. I thought she was a gonner....

im really concerned that your wife got so ill. How did you know that it was more than just an upset tummy ?? Symptoms etc??
Because the fat is not being absorbed into the body. Tiredness and getting weaker and weaker. We went to the doctors and the well women clinic. Blood tests and neither picked it up untill l met a doctor from New Zealand who recognized it immed. and wisked missus of to hosp. Who was bed ridden 6wks after coming home. Nightmare it was.....

so glad mrs victor is well now!!
enjoy your next holiday - sounds like you both deserve it!!

whilst at the Conrad many were moaning but were not prepared to follow the complaint thru,if the last few reviews are anything to go by nothing has changed since June,so come on put pen to paper and make a difference,its important that tour operators like first choice are not allowed to con people.
An associate of mine works at one of the major airports and tells me that tour operators are realy pushing Sharm because of the gaurenteed weather and shortish flights but havent got much of an in resort back up service or experienced reps at the hotels.
If this is the case we all need to make some noise to get things changed for future sun seekers.
I will probably hand a written account into the travel agent we booked through and take it from there. I dont suppose that these things are dealt with very quickly but i think perseverance is the key.

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