Delighted to hear you had such a wonderful time on your cruise and thank you for sending Magsy the updates to keep us all abreast of things.
We had a brilliant time on the Spirit in November and enjoyed everything from the food to the entertainment to just relaxing in the various lounges.
I am really looking forward to reading your Cruise Review.

Thanks for the info about clothes needed :
But if you have a gala night and captains cocktail party,it looks nice to dress to impress.Evening suit,or dark suit,and bow tie.During the day just casual.
Looks like I'll have to get myself a posh jacket for the formal nights

Look forward to reading your review when you post it


It is brilliant to hear that you had such a good time William.
How was the weather and the sea conditions? Don't know how the Atlantic is in the middle of Feb.

I'll look forward to reading your review.
It's interesting to hear about the dress codes too. Like mikeC i think i'll have to go shopping. I'll probably end up spending more on the clothes than the cruise
Thomson cruises is part of the Thomson holiday group.also britannia aircraft.
All tips where included.So did not have to allow,for that.The cabin maids worked so hard and long hours,that it would have been hard,not to have left my cabin maid,an extra tip.
I shall be looking at hopefully another cruise some time.But the one i have just returned from,will take some beating.
It does indeed sound as though Thomson covered everything for you and I am so pleased.
Apparently due to new regulations, which came in very recently, if flights are delayed operators have to provide much more for passengers now, so that may be one reason why they paid for the taxi. It must have been a real bonus to get taken to your door though.
Incidentally, the MSC brochure 'suggests' passengers allow £6 per day for tips, but presumably it is optional.
The sea in the North Atlantic was nothing as rough as i expected it to be.Reasonably calm.
Weather varied i got 2 good sun bathing sessions on the top deck, and the sun really got to me. Also had 1/2 light rain showers.That did not really bother anyone,as there was so much to do,on the ship.Amazing how many passengers i saw using the jogging track.5 times around the ship eqalled 1 mile.
Tenerife north yesterday morning[Fri] 11am was +24 degrees.
Before you go out splashing on clothes.Look at your cruise ship and see how many formal nights they have.
It's so good to read your posts, so much that's positive after all the negatives of the past few months.
Just a comment on your remark about ''whether your next cruise could be as good as this'' - it will be, standards are very high virtually throughout the cruise industry, it's highly competitive and everybody wants as many passengers as possible. I've never had a duff cruise yet, each one was better than the last.
Looking forward to reading your review!!!
Thanks for the info on the new regs.As you say MSC say's allow £6 per day for tips.At the end of the cruise,it can add up.
To say what i payed,for my cruise+what they call a solo's lunch, with all drinks provided+ £95 for a taxi home,its what Judith "C" says,incredible but true.
As a first time cruiser.I can only comment on this one experience.Which from my own personnel experience.It would have to be a very good cruise to compare with it.
Hopefully if a good offer from another company came along,i would consider it. As you say it is a very competitive market.All hoping to attract your custom
Thanks for your words of wisdom.

What the blazes have you all been uip to whilst I was away ???
I jknow I can be blunt - but -----------
What do we do from now.
A very sober, so far
Anyone got a spare sun-lamp Number 1 daughter broke mine (if it;'s not hers, it's no matter, if it had have been and I'd have broke it all hell would have broke out. tipical )
Phil Morris
To all MSC cruisers out there! Having read numerous reviews I gather that each 7 night cruise has two formal evenings, the Captains Dinner/Cocktail party and a Gala night. Gents, if you own a suit, just buy a bow tie, cheapest option! Ladies, MSC recommend long dress or Gala dress (whatever that is!) Peronally I have seen everything from lavish ballgowns to smart frocks. Most ladies seem to wear strappy longish cocktail dresses. But remember folks, you aren't forced to attend formal evenings! The only thing which requires compulsory attendance is the Life Boat Drill! For those of you getting worried, you don't actually have to get in to the lifeboats, at least not in my experience!
What sound advice you have given these gentlemen.Thats what i did.I had a dark blue suit which i had not worn for quite some time.Luckily,it still fitted me,a light blue shirt.So all i needed was a bow tie.Will not tell which "C" shop i got it from.It was lovely,on the cheap again i was.As you say Magsy,a nice suit and a bow tie,will look lovely.and no need to go to great expense.

Can I add my thanks and praise to that all ready documented to the H.T. Admin/Moderators, in particular Luci and Van, you have done a splended job and have shown a great amount of tact and understanding.
I understand I owe TonyW an apology for giving him credit (worngly0 for a comment. I am Sorry mate, and if I do make a cruise I will stand you a pint.

Welcome Back William - Jenny and her Mum. You must have been as shocked as I was at the closing down of the site.

From the balcony, no sun-lamp yet. and more importantly no phone call as promised by the certain company. Number 1 daughter came in every other day to check phone messages. Thats how I know so.
I have a few weeks before I'm off again - (I will go to Timperley, it is en-route to Altringham, while I'm home, well the station is only 1/2 mile from my Aunties and it is quite a plesant walk).
THre last phone message I had informed me that my Oct cruise had been cancelled, (is this allowed) So what do I do ?
Put me down for the tanker trip will you Juro please.

Phil Morris
ps If I have said any thing tha t the HT lawer thinks can be held to account in a court of law, please Luci let me know I will send you a pm. with my full postal address, as well as the name of my family solicitor. No it is not 'Sodit & Leggit' before any one asks
And very smart you looked in it too William. Certainly a less expensive option than buying/hiring a dinner suit and just as effective! You can put the money you saved in the piggy bank for your next cruise!
has any one any info. on venice trevisco air port ryan air fly back to luton which would be better than it far from dockside or marco polo as i think there may be a flight quite cheap.are tips obligatory or optional? it adds up at £6 A DAY.i better start saving as trips ashore will be quite expensive. i am pleased to see some chat again .i was getting withdrawel symptons..carol
Treviso airport is around 30km from Venice city. Have a look on this link for more information.
Edited by
2005-02-26 17:21:15

Well, what can I say? Crisis, what crisis? that's two crises.......

They've excelled themselves this time, haven't they? know, them....

(those shady looking characters who shall remain nameless, but whom you and I might refer to as

To Lucy, Glynis and Van, thanks for your efforts, and don't worry, if they make you all walk the plank, we'll all be there in our rubber dinghies to save you!

Is there any truth in the rumour that those of us without cruises so far are going to be put on a ship and taken straight to a penal colony on an island off the African coast?

Anyway, must go now......there's a man in a white coat at the door.........

Man overboard!

(ps. this is for those at Crisis Travel and the Dodgy Suppress

Edited by
2005-02-26 17:34:59
magsy .you really are a mine of info. it didnt have much on the smaller airport so i will try and find more links i suppose its a good learning curve wish i could do better than one finger typing..i have 3 days in paris tomorrow quite an acheivement i booked on line..took ages to get it right.i am going to see my 16 year old canadian grand daughter on the cat walk.i am so excited topic deviation .sorry.carol.

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