
Discussions relating to Cruising holidays
Did I miss something? ....Or did your ship go the scenic route to the Med?

William was on a cruise round the Canaries and Morocco. He wasn't near the Med. Would have been a bit chilly at this time of year!

luci :wave

If Venice Trevisco Airport is the main one, it is a lovely airport with the best airport restroom for ladies that I have seen - no queueing!

Re-Telephone numbers


I once posted a Daily Express telephone number earlier on . However, it was a number freely available as I obtained it from the back of the Express newspaper. Might be of interest to your lawyers to know that they publish it for all to see and use.

Maureen H
Yes, I did miss something then!

Must have the Med on my brain.........can`t think why!

Is it a Med-ical condition??!! :lol: :lol:
Either that, or Geography is not your strongest subject. You obviously majored in humour.
THANKS LUCI,for replying to TonyW,before i got chance to.His geo,was just a little out.

Maureen H.
Thats how i first contacted the D/E via the back page of there paper.

Isn't it lovely to have William and Phil back - makes it all seem a bit more like it was before!
i agree with you , lets get it back to as it was,...'.friends,fun and support.'
(love the title of your posting it should be our moto)
Hello all :D

I'm not involved in the Cruise fiasco, but have been following it.

I think Fiona has already mentioned this, but if you all need somewhere to chill out, have fun, chat about non-cruise nonsense, then there's always the General Chat forum at the bottom of the Homepage, just above Computer Problems :D :D
:wink Oh, this is luverly. Tanker ticking over outside, hose running through window straight into intravenous drip, warm glow emanating from inside and lots of us chit chatting again. Wonderful to hear that William had such a great time and Phil's back from his Sri Lankan scamperings. Know idea why I'm sitting here luxuriating as I'm off to Spain tomorrow and I haven't packed a thing in my spotted hanky yet. The cat is blissfully unaware that he's going to a kittery for the first time in years and the dog looked none too pleased when I dropped him off earlier for his canine vacation (can't for the life of me think why he was demanding to have the local RSPCA number) :offtop but what the heck. For those who don't have success I am happy to offer an alternative "Juro Tanker Cruise". We meet in a layby and just drive up and down any old main road until the tanker runs dry. There will be lavatory excursions offered for a small consideration and the beauty of it is that you won't have to "dress" for stops at the burger vans en route. Beat that if you can :rofl. Off now to iron my pj's
Hi all,

Sorry a bit of a delayed reaction here. I can't believe the other discussion thing has gone. Glad to see this one's here though and that everyone's finding it. I don't post much but I read a lot and I also discuss what's going on with everyone's cruises with my friends and they find everything I tell them fascinating.

A few quick nods....

William, glad to hear you had such a great cruise.
Phil, good to have you back, I always find your posts entertaining.
The moderators - you've done a great job, thanks for all your hard work.
Everyone else hope you're all well!

Big Welcome Back

To William
Glad you had a great time and welcome to our new thread.
Am looking forward to reading you review.
Thanks for keeping us all posted, even taking time out to log on from an internet cafe!

Welcome back to Phil.
Dont be too hard on your Kate she posted a couple of messages to our old thread, on your behalf, and seemed to be wondering why she was in second place to US!
Guess she took it out on that lamp!
Hope you too will summit a review of your travels, should be fun reading. :lol:
Juro you must have had too much of that wine to even think of ironing PJ's
Have a great time in Spain.

TonyW seems Pippy and Fiona are missing you in General Chat . They' ve been here looking.
Tony has a couple of threads running in general chat, He'll talk about anything even Brass Monkeys

Reminder, incase some of you missed Van earlier posting there are three new sticky threads to post to
if you have a Confirmed Cruise
or an Allocated Cruise
or haven't received anything

Information has been requested by the legal team so please make sure you Post .

I was thinking of doing one of my summaries of The Daily Express Cruise thread, but it was a bit daunting with over 250 pages.
Will do one now.................... ITS GONE!

See the all night posters are back!

I've been thinking (yes, that's the smell you've been noticing near your PC recently!).

I mentioned in an earlier post that I thought that William's news was good PR rather than bad, and that had been removed along with the less complimentary posts.

So, if we're not allowed to write anything negative about the travel company, surely we should not write anything positive about them either.

Of course, we should post on here when each of us is sorted out - my optimism gland keeps telling me that we will all eventually be offered cruises (even though my pessimism gland is slightly larger than my optimism gland, and keeps whispering in my ear "it's not to be, it's not to be"), but perhaps when things eventually go right, we shouldn't say the name of the person who helped, no matter how helpful he/she was.

Or is that just sour grapes?

What do you think?



PS The word "fiddle" was supposed to be Sierra Charlie Alpha Mike, but that showed up as ???? on my preview - is that a banned word?

Edit - Yes it is Graham and I have edited your post to something more acceptable. :wink:
but that showed up as ???? on my preview - is that a banned word

I* m**t b*, G****m!
Frobozz I think that William just wanted us to know that he'd had a good time. No PR intended for either **** or ** just simply the first person to have "a cruise" (little bit like Neil Armstrong) wanting to convey a message. And, oh, please don't read anything political or otherwise into my comments and please no paranoid remarks about the moon landing not being what it appeared to be!! PJ's ironed, passport in bag but not off until late morning so will come back again. Why no takers for my alternative cruise???
Juro, I could do with a second cruise but am worried about the cost of equipment, wet suit flippers etc. While you're away, please send the tanker north, the driver needs all the practice he can get for the Booze Cruise!
Juro, have a super holiday. At least you will get away from this cold weather. I think your booze cruise seems a better bet than the one I was offering down Benfleet Creek to Canvey Point, even though I may have been able to persuade Raych to provide sandwiches.
Sorry to the moderators for using unsuitable words,I don't want to get anyone in trouble. :whoops

This newspeak can be difficult to get your head around!

I'll be more careful with future posts.

Well, well, well....
What have all you lot been up to while I've been away? I was looking forward to reading all the postings. Just caught up on the last 7 pages of this instead.

I've come back home with a stinking cold - it was the freezing wind in Lanzarote that did it. :cry:

William was a real gentleman - it took a while to find him on the ship. I accosted a couple of 'William contenders' as I had no idea what he looked like - turns out he looks 15 years younger than he really is! (I was looking for an elderly white haired man) He was actually put on our dinner table the second evening - when you think there were over 1000 passengers it was something of a miracle.

:shock: For those of you landing at Tenerife Airport - beware the sloping travellator! All our bags fell off the trolley and rolled down until they were stopped by a couple of Spanish ladies near the bottom.

The weather was not good, in fact the best of it was the last morning.

It rained in Lanzarote while I was riding my camel up the Fire mountain and the camel behind wanted to bite me (luckily it had a muzzle on). My riding companion on the other side of the camel was a wine waiter from the restaurant and he needed a bag of ballast to even us up (How embarrassing!) :oops:

I suppose I am :offtop but I know you all want to hear about William and the cruise. He did very well for himself - his cabin was on a higher deck than ours - we paid extra for a porthole and most of the time it was covered by waves, or when we were in dock all we could see was the brick sides. :sulk

I'll post some photos when I've downloaded them - it may not be until after next weekend as I'm going to Prague.

Need to take some more Day/Night nurse.

Can't wait for September and my Melody cruise - hope it's as good as the Thomson Spirit.

William - I'll send you a pm with my e-mail address

8) :sun
Oh My God!

Just looked outside and there's a blizzard raging!

Good job I'm laid up with the cold or I would have been playing golf this morning!
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