Luci was correct when she gave me a brief idea,what to expect,from this cruise.Iwill give more details in [Cruise Review].Only one word can describe it fantastic
JennieL will agree with a lot i say,or at least i hope she will[Ha Ha].But not to rub salt into the wounds of those who are still waiting for confirmation.To me this cruise will live in my memory for ever.I have had some nice holidays,but this was just more than a holiday.Being a pensioner,it was beyond my wildest dream to ever experience something like this.
I could not find fault anywhere.Everyone down from the captain,to to cabin steward's, where brilliant.The restaurants,and staff,are also included in that.
The food,was out of this world.Entertainment first class every night,different show.
To those who are still waiting good luck.To those who are confirmed as definite,If your cruise is half as good as mine was,you will also have a good time
Mike C. Drinks where very reasonable,no more than you will pay at home maybe cheaper.
Dress Depends on your cruise.But if you have a gala night and captains cocktail party,it looks nice to dress to impress.Evening suit,or dark suit,and bow tie.During the day just casual.We got a newsletter each evening saying what the events where next day,and suggested,dress for evening.
Sorry but dont know how to make a photo site.But by the time i get my lots of photo's developed,i will try and find out.
Just a brief idea of wat my cruise was like.More detailed one later in cruise review.