Hi, Carol,
Forgot to add that the letter claims no one should have had their £10 cheques cashed!
I've decided to take your advice and go for the ding-dong - merrily on high!
Suddenly, everything is beautiful. I'm sitting on the balcony of my cabin (just like someone else we know!). The cabin is spotless and with all mod. cons. Loads of smartly-dressed flunkeys bringing colourful drinks as I gaze out over the pale blue sea reflecting a cloudless sky. A desert island has just appeared over the horizon: perhaps a stunning mermaid lives there! Think I'll tell the Captain I'd like to explore it. Aaagh, life on the ocean wave.......

Don't worry. I wouldn't dream of allowing a Coven onto any desert island of mine. And no problems with the ding-dong either. There should be fermented juice available, too. Don't know about gorgeous savages, though: I could try and be a bit savage! I think creepy-crawlies are part of the deal - but I'll protect you from them.
I notice that the Express has dropped the token/voucher idea for this week's £1 cruise offer to Calais - there's just an 0870 number and a code to remember (therefore, no need to actually buy the paper). So, I've decided to follow their example and avoid vouchers altogether. Also, as a special deal for HT members, they can dial a normal phone number.
Sound OK to you?
Edited by
2005-09-06 20:01:10
Just thought I'd let you know that I actually had a returned call from Rebeca at DE informing me that nothing new was known further to the standard letter which I received on 12th Aug 05 with appologies etc.

Regards to all
Paul M

There seem to be some misunderstandings (as usual!) here:
1. It'll be first-come, first served;
2. (Apart from me) the most attractive get priority;
3. No vouchers.
The original vouchers were from MKM - not the DE. That's what MKM were planning to make a killing from - if you remember what they said in their stock-market float. However, I don't know what happened to them: I twice asked to be sent the voucher books (no intention of using them; just wanted to see what they were) - but they never turned up. Just like my earlier cruise 'bookings'.
But NOW (when the ding-dong haze lifts) I shall REALLY be a-cruisin'! I'm practising using my sea-legs and learning the horn-pipe (there's no mention of line-dancing on the Celebration).
Saw an article about holidays in Libya the other day - still sorry I couldn't go there. What shall I do with the post-cards of Libya I got in anticipation??

I'm now all packed and raring to go. Off to Manchester airport first thing so I may not get back on here before then.
Before i go i wanted to say thanks to everyone for their help and support and their good wishes. Thanks especially to Holiday Truths, without this website I know I would not be cruising this Saturday.
Good luck to all those waiting for their allocation. I hope I return to some good news from the Express for you.
I was there the first week in June (4th.) in cabin No. 8273 (I think!) which was very close to the aft sundeck Ever so convenient for nippin' up the back stairs for a take away snack from deck 10. If you are in that area you will be Blessed. The cabin crew are incredibly good. They let you take cushions and stuff out and never complain, no matter how many times you lock yourself out, or need ice for the bits you burn I doubled their tip at the end of the cruise.
Have a splendid time. It will be worth the wait, I'm sure.
Joan Xx
my daughter has one (£10) from DE
i cant believe it is really going to happen
i have been reading the cruise section of ht for a long time
and thanks to all the help given it is a reality
daughter is alison mca
i am da mama
I am afraid number two of your T'&C's definitely put me at the end of the queue.
How can you say such a thing? Of course you''ll have a place. Everyone on HT sounds very nice - so they can't be eliminated by no. 2.
Have I got a Thomson's/ DE confirmation? you ask. Who's been on the ding-dong now? What do you think? Lucky Craig, Jennie and da Mama's Alison have probably used up this year's allocation between them! After three previous false starts, I'm not expecting much - perhaps a cruise in 2009!
If I remember rightly, the T&Cs say all cruises must be taken by May 2005.
hi just a quick question to you past cruisers, whats the towel situation for both in the cabins and for the sundeck? do they supply both 1 or the other or none?
whats the towel situation for both in the cabins and for the sundeck? do they supply both 1 or the other or none?
Everything provided! Towels changed daily in cabins and supplied on deck as needed.

........... and if you get a posh upgrade you have fluffy bathrobes too

ta again, bren
Things are indeed looking up and after that amazingly good result last night it just shows that anything can happen.
so glad you are all having a great time. can't believe its only 32 days till I go

If I remember rightly, the T&Cs say all cruises must be taken by May 2005.
hey cruiser
since when did we start to believe the T&C's ??????

my daughter is going on a cruise for £10
northern ireland won the football against england
my husband has been working nights for 2 yrs
he is maybe going to be put on days for a while
that will sure disrupt my sitting up until the wee small hours
on ht as he will need to be up at 6am
i think i should lay off the ding-dong
i may be living in an alcoholic haze -- or maybe even a parallel universe
perhaps i will wake up some morning and the computer never existed !!!!

Pauline xx

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