Just a quick note to say I'm all packed (suitcase weighs 45lbs - might have room for that extra pair of shoes afterall!). I fly to Milan with Mee on Saturday morning 7.35am. Off to Heathrow hotel tomorrow afternoon - can't believe it's come round at last.
Many thanks for all the support & advice that has helped us on our way.
have a great time elaine
Enjoy yourselves all you cruisers. Have a drink or two for those of us left at home.
Somebody on the MoneySaving Expert web-site has just mentioned a new free flight offer from L'Oreal and Boots . The usual thing, spend £9 and get the flight (plus taxes) and a whopping surcharge if you want to take a second person . And the company running this promotion?. You've' guessed it, RISE TRAVEL. I think the phrase "barge-poll" comes to mind when considering this offer.


A few days on a deserted island sounds great to me
but never mind the creepy crawlies
is there a toilet ???
and cruiser
what do you mean you have dropped the idea of tokens ?
i have been faithfully buying your magazine and have all the tokens collected and stuck on to a nice A4 with my name and address
and the dates i am available
and stamped addressed envelope !!!

this is the exercise class on the island
Good idea Mikey we could have a sit in before the weather gets too cold if nothing else it would get us non-cruisers some publicity and put he DE in a less than good light. We could take plenty of ding dong and it would almost be like cruising
i would like to enjoy a cruise ship if it stayed in dock
I am booked to go Manchester to Heathrow and on to JFK again in October in lieu of the Daily Express Cruise Offer. Again, all the taxes and supplements are covered by Rise Travel and although the inital offer was to include 1 nights accomadation paid for, they agreed to pay for 2 nights. My hotel is on Broadway and costs £110.00 per night which is about right as they are usually twin/double rooms. All this for £10.00, I consider it to be a bargain, as I am staying for 7 nights, I have had to pay for the other 5 nights. An alternative offer was available with Dubai as the destination
However, I had to write to the Editor of Express newspapers to get them moving.
So , is this one of the alternative holidays they have been talking about ?

Phil - glad to see that your sense of humour is still intact. Would you like a consultation with my doctor? He solemnly informed me that I should be drinking at least one or two glasses of alchohol a day for the sake of my health. Apparently although red wine is preferable, any alcohol in moderation is good for you. Sorry about the 'in moderation' bit, but at least it sounds better than the prescription you are given by the coven.

Great Ideaa Mickey, count me in! we could do something excentric such as going in fancy dress to get ourselves realy noticed!!
Hey all you wouldbe non cruisers. how about getting together for a day out to the DE offices in protest
I am sure you will have lots of support too from us lucky ones who have already been

We will not abandon you in your hour of need

The more the merrier

Count me in


Perhaps Watchdog would be interested in getting the cameras there.......I could play the part of Roger Cook!!

Help needed can anyone remember how to find out when the Alitalia strikes are going to be held. Ive checked the 2 sites we had early in the year but couldnt understand them . Some weeks ago a strike was cancelled and rearranged for the 10th October and I would like to find out if that is still on. Hope not as thats the cruise myself and 3 others are on.

I'll stick with the all paid for cruise for less than £100, including my flights to London and an overnight in Milan.
Thanks DE
This link gives details of strikes
This link gives details of strikes
I have checked the link 10th October is still on the list.

regards Chris

My flight was due to be affected by strike (June) but it didn't materialize.
I was told by Alitalia that confirmation as to whether strikes would take place is only available 24 hours before flight! Rather too late to make alternative arrangements

For peace of mind it was well worth it .......... and I arrived before everyone else so no delay boarding at Genoa .......... and it was a lovely train ride on an uncrowded train!

I had thought about buying a cheap one way ticket with Ryanair to Genoa - but found at just in time that unless you use the 'out' ticket with Alitalia, they won't let you use the return.


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