Congratulations, JennieL and everyone else who's got their tickets.
Apologies to everyone who commented on my last message - had an access problem (did DE block my password??). Carol - I only wish I'd had the ding dong.
I had assumed that you had all received the same correspondence as I did: an apologetic 'holding' letter from the DE to say that they had taken over the promotion from MKM, followed by another (long) one offering a Thomson's cruise (handled by Going Places/My Travel), but under revised T&Cs. Then, while I was away, I had a phone message announcing that I'd passed the closing date (the letter hadn't mentioned one) and that the cruise was, therefore, cancelled. Despite that, I've now made a 'provisional' booking. But I'm not holding my breath.
I've so far had four offers (Louis (twice), MSC and, now, Thomsons) so I'm not holding out hope until I've received confirmation.
And there's been another hurricane problem!!
I haven't got the DE's letter with me (it's at home), but I believe they said that everyone who's £10 had been cashed would be reimbursed (upon submission of written evidence).
Wull asked about the 'three' offers: I've not seen the other two myself, but My Travel staff mentioned them - and told me that they are suing the DE over the 'free' one.
As to Going Places being a well-known high-street travel agency:
that's true. But, for this promotion, there is a special phone number (guess what: 0870 - so they'll make some cash from that) and only three of the staff at the call centre have been briefed on the DE offer.
Maureen: I asked how they are going to make money out of this promotion - but got no explanation. It is very hard to see what an agent with financial problems can benefit from signing up for such a deal. Unless the DE is paying them a whopping sum - but, then, what does the DE gain? The logic behind the whole promotion remains a mystery.
Hope you had a super holiday, Luci.