Just testing - tried posting last couple of days but it stops!
I was on the Lirica (this time last week I was trotting round Palma) and it was a beautiful ship - clean and spacious.
There were a few niggles but the excusions/sites far outweighed the complaints.
The niggles?? Well, it must be a european thing but all the food was served lukewarn on board and in the cities. (All except a potato croquette which was freshly fried and took my mouth by surprise); other small niggles - the reception staff and ship's officers were not the friendliest staff and the entertainment team were just plain annoying in an 18-30 Club kind of way!
That was it - everything else was brilliant. I loved Taormina in Sicily, Rome, Barcelona's Gaudi architecture has to be seen to be believed and Avignon near Marseille - these tours are all worth doing.
I will hopefully do a full review soon but for all those still waiting, keep fighting it is definitely worth the wait.
Really pleased for ya - such good news to hear a success story, gives us all a glimpse of hope!
Can you give a brief run down as to how you got it, im fairly new to the site and dont have access to the internet as often as I'd like.

When did you hear you'd get your cruise??
Lou x

I've just put the phone down from marketing at DE and it is like talking to brick wall - no matter how I phrase the question they respond the same way - no further news!!!
Ive contacted Watchdog via email but to no avail - that was back in Feb.
Its driving me up the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I might contact them again in writing and send them a copy of all my correspondence - lets see if that works!
Im not gonna give up, just getting fed up

Lou x
It's probably a good idea to keep Watchdog informed . For all we know they are assuming that everyone has now got their cruise . Especially after the promise by that guy from the Express (last time they were featured) that everything will be sorted out and everyone will get their cruise " within six weeks" That was months ago.

byyeeee for now
I am sailllling I am saaailiinggggggg

ps edited. forgot the dot and a 0 in the price to Theifrow
Edited by
Phil Morris
2005-09-22 00:32:35

Welcome Ijane 73,

how "did we get our cruises "sweat tears lots of ding dong and red plonk (c/o Juro) percerverance and support from the wonderful people who make up the site, and not least from the absolutly fabulous Luci

Quite a few of the HT 'old timers' who have had their cruise are still with us to offer both support and guidance. Badger the D.E. (don't name names of the sight (threat of legal action still looms (does it Luci :hmmm )

More than anything think daft but posative, and make it fun to look at the sight, and don't get brow beaten, the DE hav emore to lose than you
Byeee for now and Good Luck

Your day will come
(second corus)All togehter now------ 'I am saiilllling I am sailing farrrrrr awaaaaayyyyyyy 'crossss the seeeeeeea'

No-one joining in Uh I sometimes wonder why I bother

Night night & Byeeeeeee

Neighbours have not a musical ear - next door just been in and asked if could hear the cat in the car park thats been hit by a parking car Cheek

If no one goes before we do, I will pop into the shop if our ship docks there give me the details on my email or a pm
Night night
Stalins sister

night night

So pleased to hear that the next lot of tickets have arrived safely. It is great news. Have a wonderful time. We are all looking forward to reading the reports and also seeing the piccies - especially those of Phil in his sequins and diamonte!
You sound very happy, Phil. Don't get too excited and make yourself ill again as you do not want to miss your cruise.
Maureen H.

What a wonderful balmy morning it is, far too warm to sleep it must be close to 2am and I'm sat on theBalcony all the windows open in my**********

MikeC what do you mean
keep your eyes out for Marylin

Sleep well
The Watchman

if your on the Melody then you will find out

I haven't had time to do a review yet but here is a link to the web page where it will be and there are a few pictures to look at from our cruise (more to follow) http://the-coulters.co.uk/Cruise/index.htm
don't laugh too hard at the pictures

Know the feeling Lou- but persevere cos it works, just look at the lucky ones so far!
Think its fantastic that people are getting their cruises and the more reports of this the better but doesnt this hang DE somewhat?? Surely they cant pick and choose who gets a cruise and who doesnt, we all have the same documentation so surely a court should rule heavily in our favour??
I agree. By the fact that a goodly number of people have actually been on a cruise and have publicised it, in my opinion that makes a precedent set in stone. I would doubt if any court would uphold DE backing out of the deal. The only thing I'm not sure of, and matbe some of the other posters would like to give their opinion on this, is how do the T & Cs stand up as far as when is the timing of the cruise against T & Cs. What happens if the DE says you will get your cruise in 2010.

I'm not sure if its the medication or just me, but I've put sun bock on his morning the 'old current bun' is beating down on me what a wonderful day it is.

Mike What a utterly fantastic site you have about the cruise (we will over look the Shearer

If members do not know what I'm ranting about just look at Mikes last posting and click on the link that Mike has on the posting.
Byeeee for now, of to see Himmlers daughters today at the local doss house, (that tries to pass it's self off as a hospital - it's full of sick people - is it any wonder) Byeeeee
(Must get some More cucumber for the salmon sandwiches and a trip to Odbins for a replacement Pimms

It must be like this on the MSC cruise at the moment,(back on topic

Just noticed on my, now mulit-coloured deck plan I am in cabin 013 on Oceanic Deck if you, with the deck plan look, you'll see I'm just above the engines (do you think they know about my 'king dicks'

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