Maureen H
I think you may have had a similar cabin to me on the Melody - inside on Premier deck. Can you tell me if there was a hairdryer or not? Any less weight I need in my suitcase will be a blessing..........
Phil, I'm sure your King Dicks will come in very handy.....:rofl
Well Done. I have not looked at them all I was so overwhelmed you should (if not already) change direction and set up a web site building co).
Thanks for the compliment Phil

Jennie as far as i know all of the cabins have a hairdryer in the bathroom (looks a bit like a vacuum cleaner) on the wall above the sink

I will be updating the site with info about the cruise as soon as i get a chance (busy working at the moment

Good luck all those still trying for their cruise and dont give up
As someone else said there is a hairdryer. You have to keep your finger on the button but, one thing I must add, it was better than the one in my cabin on the QE2! It was a nice cabin and very convenient as it was on the reception deck and mine was not far from where we came on to the ship.
Enjoy yourself.
Maureen H.
I like the gallery - brought back memories. Having seen the badge in the corner, I now understand Phil's reference to Shearer.

Maureen H.

survived Himmlers daughters today,is there any form of pleasure to be gained by infliting pain on an old man by young girls, if so it's lost on me "It does not hurt Mr Morris" from this side it does Love "I am not your Love Mr Morris and your are not co-operating" she said as she puts a half Nelson on me.

Is it me, or is it warm everywhere.

Anyway nice to see more new Members are joining in

Welcome Pmad1

Such as
!/ How many readers of the De sent off vouchers, in the allocation time period (although

2/.How many readers have all ready had cruises, (as not all are members of H.T.)
3/ How many readers are still waiting an allocation of a cruise.
4/ How many people have taken the vouchers or money (£150 cash was offered to me).
So given all these unknown quanties all we can do is hang on and give each other support,

Good Lord those bloo...

If I'm daft it's the 'MEDICATION' at least Stalins sister not here tonight Number 3 is o.k. on her own. The 3 together I would not hold out much chance for Mike Tyson
Sorry about the rant I'll buy you all (on the 10 Oct cruise) a bottle of water in Naples - I know how to impress.

Night night for now
Edited by
Phil Morris
19 years 5 months ago

we must know What did you teach Alan Shearers Wife

Thanks Maureen and Mike for the hairdryer info. That's a bit less weight.

Perhaps some have already done it

Night night

Re-the other question - it was English.
You won't be sitting on the balcony to-night - I have just heard the forecast.

Difficult to type in a southwester (the rain drips of the peak), and waders ) These bike capes are good though arn't they ?

Good Morning Maureen, you are right re Himmlers daughters what is it with these young girls

I was going to cycle to Bath along the river path - (well it is flatter than the cycle track and there are none of those stupid black bollards

inbetween Midsummer Murders or whatever else is on..

Byeeee for now

Just got in from a short bike ride,

So much for weather forcasts

Just been looking at the cabin allocation again it seems I'm in 0113 (not 013) just to the stern of startboard midships, BUT still over the engines

Ah well only need the cabin for sleeping - and will be able to catch up whilst all the young ones are a shore cruising is about sleep, eat, drink and

byeeee for now
Just noticed you have your fourth star - worth celebrating with a glass or two. Perhaps Juro can send the tanker round.
Is Magsy still sufferring?
Just been looking at the cabin allocation again it seems I'm in 0113 (not 013) just to the stern of startboard midships, BUT still over the engines
don't worry Phil

you're higher up the ship compared to us 12th sept cruisers and we never heard the engines

all you need to do is enjoy yourself

the blue ribband bar has a happy hour most nights with some spirits with mixers for €3.50

to all who are sailing this weekend, have a lovely time with plenty of :lol:,

Dear all,
Just been looking at the cabin allocation again it seems I'm in 0113 (not 013) just to the stern of startboard midships, BUT still over the engines
......that will be handy when they call you to twiddle with the tappets or massage the big end!

The engine noise is so minimal that you shpuldn`t have a problem wherever you are mate.............unlike my first cabin when I started on the QE2 which was right by the bow-thrusters (no really, that`s what they are called!!).
The first night docking we did I thought we had hit the harbour wall when they went off and I was out of the bunk and gathering my valuables ready to abandon ship!
As you may all know, it is traditional not to have a cabin No. 13 on ships as they are a superstitious whistling either in case you `whistle up a storm`...............and no walking under black cats!
(OK, I made the last one up!)

Really pleased for (and somewhat

Phil - steady on seem to be peaking too soon. Save some of your energy for the cruise. Have I missed something- are there people cruising from this weekend? Obviously too much of the vino collapso interfering with braino cello's!!

I'm off to Ibiza on 5/10 for 2weeks

I'm hoping to get down to the Marina on the 7th/8th & 14th/15th to try & spot some H.Trs.

Although i won't be able to walk through the town without thinking of ya!

Probably better if you deny all knowledge of our night in Ibiza otherwise they might not let you back in mate!

The cruise certainly gave me a good taste for the amber liquid that I had forgotten about from my youth (OK, it was 2 groats for a firkin of mead then!) was only through the photos that I remember what happened!

Our visits to Tunis and Malta have made me want to return for a holiday in the near future......hopefully Tunisia early next year.......but Ibiza is probably a one-off for me if only for the sake of my kidneys!!

I would like to take Julie on a cruise once I can convince her that she will not get seasick. (Staying drunk is always an anti-motion sickness option I suppose!) MSC would certainly be in the frame when we do as I really liked the overall experience and on-board relaxed atmosphere.
Have a great time (without us)


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