Hi all
This website continues to provide the best info around - I had no idea you had to let MSC know that you weren't going to be on a filight into Linate and were staying overnight in Milan (desipte that not being an option of ones own choosing!). I shall drop a email as suggested.
I can't believe the excuses that continue to come from the promoters about cruises for those still waiting. You would have thought that they could have sorted something by now. It seems forever since February when I finally wore them down and they gave me a cruise. I got a bit worried when I got that recent letter saying they would contact me shortly about arranging something (and will worry even more if the tickets don't arrive!). If some kind of demonstration is arranged for those still waiting count me in. We should all stick together on this.
I'm due to sail on the 17th October - not many of us from here as far as I know though I am sure there will be other DE readers on board. Reading other cruisers accounts I now have a good idea of what to expect, but can I take this opportunity to pick some brains on a couple of points I don't remember seeing being covered?
How easy is Linate Airport to navigate as a non-Italian speaker?
Given that on-board stuff is paid for by credit card, how much do you think you need to take in Euros for spends when you go on shore - and how many Maltese Lira and Tunisian Dinars? I don't intend to spend huge amounts, especially given the fact that the baggage allowance to get stuff home is so ungenerous!
Looking forward to meeting you 17/10 cruisers soon!