
I don't know if you can be allowed to go,

As I'm on the wagon

Vivien nearly feel foul last night to number 1

I know what you mean though it is getting a poor show. Any more offers on the horizen ?

Night Night to all from the 'watchman'

We are definately fading away
I reckon we're all still here lurking in the background and ready to spring into action at a moment's notice should we be called upon to support those still waiting - by means of demos, marches and any protest action needed!!

It's a waiting-game just now as everyone is hanging on to see if the DE will fulfil its obligations.

Has anyone any idea how many are still outstanding?
Luci - might it not be an idea to start a 'sticky' so those who haven't been offered anything currently can be listed (their names being removed as and when they get a cruise)?

Then we'll have an idea as to whether we should be hiring a battle bus or make do with Juro's tanker - a much better idea!


I`m not fading away......this stays firmly in my "watched topics" at all times!
The hoped for avalanche of cruise offers after 3 people were successful last week hasn't yet materialised

Didn't the DE say that there were still 4000 people left to cruise?
Good idea about a new 'Who's going where' Allisu!
I'm still here as well. Watching as closely as ever. It is a waiting game but I don't know how we find out how many are still waiting. It's a big wish I know but I wish everybody who applied for the cruise knew about this site. What a pressure effort that would be on the DE.

Great News that so many are still keeping in touch, the silent ones are the ones to watch, me I'm just a big fat teddy, as Vivien and Chris will verify.
What happened to the

i tried yet again last night to upload some pictures but I'm unable to do so without putting a date and location of the pictures - but where does one put such information ?
bye for now
it all sounded hopeful when all of a suddrn 2 or 3 people gpt there cruises but now its all gone quiet.
it would be nice to know real figures of the numbers that have had a cruise and how many still waiting..........i dont somehow see the Dofe giving out that info........
phil i wish i knew how you get such great animations on your postings sometimes i think i have had too much ding dong they dance about so much!!!!!!!!!!
heres to a good weekend for every one.
isit tonighe that clocksgo back?????????? i hate having to go roubd and change things it takes me ages to work out the video!!!!!!!
weather still good here in herts.thursday was amazing almost sun bathing weather!

I've been busy on the internet searching for cruise deals that'll get me back on board asap! I wondered if it'd be worth risking a call to one of these scratch card companies that offer cruises as a prize. I have read complaints about them on the internet - short notice, expensive to travel with someone, cruise can be anytime over 18 months - none of which is a problem to me. Apparently the cruise lines are respectable, Carnival and the like. What do you think?
I also read somewhere that Rise were offering free flights (+tax) to the USA and Europe with the purchase of L'Oreal hair dye. I wonder if they have learned their lesson. For £10 or so it might be worthwhile (two weeks in Miami would give time to hop on a cruise ship after all!), all I need to know is which colour would suit me?
I'm also busy recycling all my Venice and port information for my parents and aunt and uncle who I booked onto a Costa cruise. They leave in the early hours of the morning for a night in Venice before they board the Victoria. Bari, Katakolon, Santorini, Mykonos, Rhodes and Dubrovnik. Three were ports I called at on the Opera but I can only tell them about Dubrovnik as I didn't manage the other two. I've also printed out the weather forecast. I think I'm going to be in trouble as it's looking a lot chillier than it has been recently.
Yes the clocks go back tonight. It'll suit my parents fine as their early flight won't seem quite so early and once they arrive in Italy it'll be the same time as here today - if you know what i mean???
We do have a topic "Daily Express - I have a cruise allocation but no confirmation". This is where members who have still to have their cruise confirmed should post.
Along with hopefully many others am still here waiting and watching,where is the site to post that your waiting to be allocated a cruise? or in my fuddled state have I got it wrong

I for one will keep up the pressure on DE with calls and mail,left several messages to Rebecca at DE but still no answer yet.
We live in hope

Happy christmas to all!!
Paul M
http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=24341 This is the thread that Luci is talking about.
I may be wrong but I think I read that Rebecca had left the Express. I don't know who the current contact is but I'm sure someone will be able to help you.
Don't mention the C word yet
. Give us until the start of December at least
I may be wrong but I think I read that Rebecca had left the Express. I don't know who the current contact is but I'm sure someone will be able to help you.
Don't mention the C word yet

I am still watching and waiting. I check out this site at least once a day, even though I don't say much myself. I enjoy and appreciate all the contributions made by other members...thank you!

I turned back the clocks already so I'm not sure of the time, but what the heck - at least I'm on my own this evening, No coven:to spoil my enjoyment with 'Medication' I'm sure number 1 had a part in One Flew Over the Cookoo' pele

Welcome Pam B


If Rebecca (who ever she was) has left the D.E. could it be she took the data base with her, that was one of the excuses Rise used once, if I remember right. (staff sabotarge - they called it)


I like to see if I can recognise anyone.

Night Night all (the Watchman)

just a quick Hallo to Magsy, Welcome Back Love. I note you are now a 5 star general

Another indicator of how many are still waiting for cruises, apart from the link that Craig posted, is the Who's Going Where/When sticky at the top of the forum HERE.
The names in bold are those with confirmed cruises booked. The names in normal text are those who are still waiting to have their cruise confirmed and booked, but were "allocated" a cruise way back in the beginning when Rise Travel were handling the operation.

I still check out the site most days, and I am still waiting for my 2nd cruise. Had the stock letter re DE take over but thats all so far.
thank goodness you are back.


Whatever the reason for being off line was, I want it written on the back of a £50 note and forwarded to The Penthouse.

Had a meeting with Vivien this afternoon in Bristol and we both thought it was something we had said that had closed the site down.

What a sad state of affairs Primark has got into in Bristol

Any way I went in to get some socks (starting to start my clothes collection for the next cruise (Back on Topic).
By for now

Phil Morris

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