Hello Phil,
What I meant by complete cruises was that in each allocation date all the people in it either were on a cruise or weren't, if you see what I mean. Take mine for example, 11.06.05, not a single person has been on a cruise but take one of the other dates (eg 24.04.05 and 09.05.05) and you'll see that all the people in it have been on a cruise. It's as if they have taken a full date allocation and sent it on the cruise. A lot of allocated dates follow this.
Good Night.
Must put the record straight, I am not and will never be an axe murderer,cant stand the sight of blood!!
The CAVA comes from my liking for dry sparkling wine, cant afford to drink the real thing this is a more than acceptable alternative.
Good night
Sorry to blow your theory apart but I was on the 11.6.05 cruise and have since had a cruise. I was on that list but was taken off it when I got a different one. The reason that none of those cruises have gone bold is that your name went bold when that cruise was confirmed. The cruises that have not gone bold were the Libya cruises which never took place so nobody named on them could have gone bold.
I was on the 11/6 list and have been on my cruise 3/7. I remember when I was contacted to book as it was christmas eve last year!

Well it was a good morning till I read the above on 204, now I feel the desperate need of a drink

Back when I sober up
Phil, must tell you that 'andy lou' is legit! Full version: Andrea Louise. Like Phil the Pill though! You wouldn't be known for wearing a purple wig would you? I am sure I saw a photo of you among the cruise galleries!
andylou, what do you mean

You wouldn't be known for wearing a purple wig would you?

(I only managed to rescue them this morning with the help of 2 plumbers 1 elecrician and the foreman (tipical Council never find a workman when you want one - there all watching

Who's been talking

bye for now
Phil the pills

As Steve and Alison have explained, I moved people's names from their original allocation date, eg 11.06.05, to their confirmed date, eg 03.07.05, only once they had confirmed, booked and paid for their cruise.
I also made the names of those with confirmed cruises bold so that members could easily see who was confirmed and who only had their original allocation, but no confirmation.

May I join this club?
After 3 attempts I have now been sucessfully registered and loged on. What shall I do with my 2 new email addresses?
Last November I was allocated a Caribbean cruise going out of Houston on 5th November 2005, and like so many others I have heard nothing since,despite 'phone calls, emails and letters. I have been ignored, perhaps in the hope that I might just go away! Not likely. It has been good to read all the other posts, of those who have actually cruised and those who are still patiently waiting.
We would have met on the 5/11 cruise as I was allocated that one. Like you I have heard nothing since the 'please be patient' letter way back in July. I will not be happy on Nov 5th.
Maureen - was this your original allocation or a second one? I seem to remember speaking to you months ago!

Number 1 just left, No-one has spoke to like that since my Mother,

Welcome Mary

Bye for now got some ebaying to do

ps Forgot Magsy, Meee and poor Luci (who attempts to keep us all in check as the Mod

do be careful I see I see some daughters have put their dad up for auction on ebay.

welcome grey lady (mary)
My one and only alloation was/is for the cruise to the caribbean on the 5/11/05. As I have no tickets I assume it is cancelled. I had a letter back in June or July saying DE had taken over from R*** and to please be patient as 'someone will be in touch to discuss cruises or alternatives' I wrote to Stan the man at the DE around Aug bank holiday but I still await a reply.

It finally stopped raining I can feel a thirst coming on

Maureen don't hold your breath or water - Some have been known to give childbrith whilst waiting

Is anyone up for this mass protest - out side

Its easy to find out where his doss house is

just finished ebay so nite nite

Count me in for the mass protest outside Des***** house, power to the people and all that!!

AT De it may be that Rebeca has gone to pastures new

Live in Hope!
Maureen - how would you feel about sharing a cruise? That's what I did! It was great. I just looked to see who,had got a confirmed cruise and then contacted them re sharing. Some weren't keen. Then I got in touch with one really nice lady who agreed to share. We both contacted R*** who were initially reluctant. I kept on at them and after about 3 phone calls they rang back to say that we could share. I know it wasn't exactly what was promised ie £10 for every reader, but it was better than nothing and we both had a fabulous time. So I think it's worth thinking about
I can't believe this fiasco is still going on - it should have been sorted a long time ago. I think I got mine when I demanded to speak with the Editor of the Daily Express (Chris Williams I think his name was) right at the very beginning; I then spoke with the marketing department who assured me that I was the only complaint they had received!! I was extremely assertive with the staff, not rude or agressive, but really put my case across & luckily it worked.
When I was in Florida I watched the news and Tampa confirmed that no cruises would be affected by Hurricane Wilma - I know a lot of cruiseliners dock there. Remember last year when they gave that excuse that hurricanes had affected cruise holidays - bunkum!
Please keep fighting for your holidays. My cruise in September was brilliant and I was looking at my photos again last night and they brought back some terrific memories.
I'll keep supporting this website and it's readers because without their support I know I would not have received my cruise - so thanks again everyone.

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