Have a good time Raych and Gary and i look forward to hearing about the nile cruise. Lets see those gleaming teeth on the photos too!
Love and best wishes to all
happy xmas and a few ding dongs to see the new year in!!!!!!!!!!i

Lets hope theres more to come.
Take heart all those waiting lets hope it will be the restart of something fantastic for the coming new year.

...and about time too!
Was it really a year ago that the bookings started with a contact form on this web page?
Good news Greylady, lets hope that they are going to be contacting many more of those of us waiting with the offer of crises in 2006.
lets hope that they are going to be contacting many more of those of us waiting with the offer of crises in 2006.
Preferably not - we've had more than our fair share of crises already.

Well Done greylady well done indeed.

Lets us hope that 2006 sees a few hundred more cruises afloat

Bells away
phil (cell 49)
Yes it is a year since that form and a lot longer since we started collecting paper tokens. I thought my wait until october past was bad enogh, so good luck to all still trying and I hope you don't have to wait past 2006!

one elderly lady on my cruise had only received her cruise because her son went directly to the DE offices in London and wouldn't leave untl he had been seen. I think he then returned a few days later to chase up the confirmation and again would only leave when he had been given that confirmation. I think more and more people are giving up as time goes by, but I am sure you will get somewhere if you do go to the DE offices. Good Luck!

Thanks for your message Andylou. Would anyone else care to join me
This is turning into a public relations disaster for the Daily Express. You would have thought they would have bit the bullet, dipped into their own pocket and paid for any outstanding cruises. Perhaps the owner or the paper is so thick-skinned that he doesn't care what happens to the people who bought his paper , saved up the tokens and booked annual leave, so they could hopefully go on this holiday. The paper seems to be so obsessed with Princess Diana, Gypsies and asylum seekers that it has lost interest in its "£10 cruise for all our readers" .
I've always said I'll offer my support where I can. I think it's most unfair I've had my cruise and others haven't. I know I put a lot of effort into getting it but so obviously have you as well as many more and you've all got nowhere. I'd like to put forward the unfairness of it to the Directors. I can be quite vociferous once I get going!

I'll willingly accompany you on your mission. I'll have to get a train from Norfolk and so long as I can take the time off work (there shouldn't be a problem as long as I have as much notice as poss) I could meet up late morning (it's not an Express train :wink:) Perhaps better not to broadcast day and time on here - we don't want to be removed by heavy mob before we've started so if you think it's best we can communicate by pm.
quote - I was hoping that there would be a 'mass demonstration' - quote
If there are lots of us then the opposite perhaps would be best? The more publicity the better! Any more cruisers past and hopeful out there?
Just my thoughts on it anyway - it's your call!
It is quite legal to do it in a sensible way and to inform other newspapers/TV stations so let`s do it I say.
Even though I have had my cruise, I would be prepared to join in a demo or sign a petition. It seems to me that lots of people have said they are willing to do it, but no-one has actually said they will organise it. I suppose we need to start a list of participants and then agree a time and place. I would have thought that most people work and so it would have to be at the weekend, but would there be anyone at the DE then? Just a few thoughts!!! I'm not good at organising

Let's see how many we have gathered by Friday pm and we'll go from there.
Once again, thank you very much for your support. This 'would be holiday cruiser is going to make the DE aware that a lot of us are still "alive and kicking" And how"

I emphasised the `peaceful` so we could not beaccused of threatening behaviour or causing an affray or anyting like that.
We can be forceful in as much as being high profile etc. and cause a fuss....but not break the law!Just a thought, is the DE office in EC3 in the`exclusion zone`they brought in to stop demonstrations in a certain radius of Parliament Square and Downing Street?
Who said this is still a democracy?!

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