Sorry to disappoint you but there were actually 24 terms and conditions. These are published in the Cruise Section but if you can't find them, I will happily email you a copy if you send me a PM.
In my own mind, I am absolutely certain that an offer from the travel company constitutes an agreement that all T & C's were met and I am completely puzzled that the newspaper would attempt to put up a defence against that fact! I am not a lawyer however, so who knows!!!
At first I thought there was a rejection pattern (i.e. only people who had applied for more than one cruise) but now there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason at all.
Has anyone considered a class action? It might be more effective in the end!
Good luck to all of you and Seasons Greetings.
As it happens I have just respectfully requested to the Court, as part of the case set up procedures, that they ask the Defendant to specify in advance exactly which T&C's have not been complied with, as otherwise not fair on the Claimant to have it sprung on them on the day and also in Courts interest to aid clarification and best use of time for all.
The defence papers filed listed only some of the T&C's, mostly the procedural conditions the dates of which they had not met themselves! Based on that alone I would have no difficulty in proving my compliance.
welcome back Magsy. Did you have a good cruise?
Aaaah Raych, I was so hoping that you would have good news to report when I got back but all I have seen is more people reporting the same bad news (with 1 or 2 exceptions)!
Never mind, you will not have long to wait to see the results of the next court cases which of course I hope are successful for HT members.
In the interim, Seasons Greetings to All!
Long time no see. I wondered if this thread would still be going. Sorry there are still ppl cruiseless

Really hope you all manage to go xxx
Merry Cristmas to all who have cruised with this offer and to all of us still waiting.
Hi, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Lets hope that by the end of 2007 those of us still waiting and persuing our cruises will have had them.
I managed to get a quote from Louis Cruise Lines for the exact same cruise I was origionally offered. Just finished filling in my application through the small claims court, I believe the DE has 28 days to respond I wait with baited breath.
Thanks to Marcus for the origional inspiration to take out a claim and also Wallecan for help and advice and all the others I've read who are trying to get their cruise.
PS The quote came to just under £1000 so court costs £80
After a long break from accessing this site I have returned to find some hardy souls still fighting gallantly to rectify an obvious wrong, Good luck to all and I am convinced that your efforts will be rewarded as good always triumphs over evil. I was lucky enough to get a £10 cruise on the MSC Melody in June of last year along with about ten other "Expressionists". The key to my success was to follow the instructions to the letter and to obtain as much proof as possible that you have complied with the T and Cs. I gave them my mobile phone number so that I was always contactable. and accepted the first offer of a date and cruise I was given. I used this site to contact the original tour operator, (I am not sure if we are allowed to mention their name as I recall several legal problems coming to a head last year (2005) resulting in this site being severely curtailed.) I feel that without the information on this site i would have been unsuccesful. During the course of my mini crusade I contacted the trading standards office in the area of the original tour operator and was informed, though not in writing, that they were following the Daily Express offer very closely, and they had doubts a long time ago that the offer could be fulfilled. They may well have a dossier on this offer and they may be willing to share it with someone who is to take their own legal action. As an aside, after being offered a cruise, I contacted a friend who had been offered a Cruise on one of the Louis Line Cruises, he then e mailed the previous tour operator and received a phone call shortly afterwards offering him a cruise on the same ship as me, a week before mine, and he asked if he could change it to the next week, to which they agreed. Later on when we received our tickets we had both been upgraded , he was awarded a Junior Suite and I an upgrade to the Continental Deck, both with sea view and this instead of the bottom deck, inside cabin. Sometimes things do go right for once. Well thats all from me, and if anyone remembers Jim and Martin from Edinburgh come online and say hello. Happy New Year when it comes and all the luck in the world.
I wrote again on the 26th November and again had no reply.
Enough is enough, so I put a claim in at
This turned out to be really simple to do and they now have until 21st January to reply to my claim.
I guess this is the easy bit, if the case comes to Court it will probably be a bit scary facing Daily Express Lawyers on my own! I will keep the forum informed and if it does come to Court, perhaps someone out there would like to come with me to give me a bit of moral support!!
its really great to hear that you have not gone under and given in like so many people must have done .those figures we will never know.
good luck wth waiting for jan 21.
keep us all informed .

I received a letter from the small claims court to say they had issued my claim to The DE and they have until the 21st to reply.
Good luck to you bretthalliday if you want a copy of the advert on DVD please let me know I can post one.
Cheers and happy new year to all
There was a link put in on page 243 to register your rejection/acceptance letters and follow up action so that we can keep an eye on everyones progress and have a clearer view of the bigger picture. So far there seems more rejections than valid claim letters.
Good luck to all in their persuit through the courts.
Regards Raych .
Hi Raych
Good luck to those waiting for a court hearing. If you let us know where and when this is taking place I think you may find someone to go with you and hold your hand if the court isn't too far from where they live.
I haven't looked in for ages, so it seems incredible that the paper which stands for so many things is still trying to wriggle out of an offer it made to its readers in 2004. I found it hard enough waiting a year.
Several people have received two cruises, so they can't now claim their terms don't allow for this.
For me, the best part of this was the good friends I made through this site. The kindness, support, advice and humour made it worthwhile.
Best wishes for 2007.

I echo your feelings on this Cardiff Girl. Would that a bit of honour was shown and that ALL of those still waiting got their just rights! I seem to recall that not honouring their committment cost Hoover a pretty penny in the end!
I haven't been given a date for Dom yet, although they said the programme would not go out until the spring. Working Lunch said they would keep me advised, the feature was now being researched by another member of their team.
Just a quick line or two to advise on the progress ( or lack off!) for my court proceedings.
The DE have filed a "Defence" and my case has now been transfered to Leicester County Court.
As far as I can make out, the defence is one of my not complying with certain terms and conditions of the offer. This seems to be the standard ploy as others who have gone before have had the same.
In all honesty I cannot see how they can beleive they have a case for non compliance when the offers were actualy made!
Still, we will let the Judge be the decider on that. I must admit I am quite looking forward to my day in court. I must thank all for the support and assistance given so far and to those who are thinking of taking the plunge--Go for it!!

Hope all had a great time over the holls and are refreshed and ready for the fight!

Best wishes
Please do keep me informed of the impending court date and we will definately endeavour to come along on the day and add our support.
Best regards

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