I applied for both my cruises at the same time by the same method. I have had one cruise but have just had the rejection letter for the other.
I have had all the hurricain, be patient letters and offers of vouchers etc, so was obviously on their database to recieve all these,but according to the letter they sent my claim is not valid. I cant think why 1 of mine qualified and the other didnt especially as I checked before I sent the vouchers that I could have 2 and was told by DE and marketing Director I could definately have a second cruise. My only fault was being too patient.
There does not seem to be any clear connection with the rejected claims. I even feel cross for the people who have been told they have valid claims as they are still going to keep them hanging on, and not even assuring them they will get cruises.
Cava Kate my rejection letter was for a cruise to South America leaving
I am presuming that you too are waiting for your second cruise as is Raych. Maybe the pair of you cculd get your heads together and see if you have the same sort of replies etc.
Have you heard when the program is to be broadcast?
I've started filling in my small claims court application. it's a bit daunting I'm worried I'll not get the wording right. If anyone has any tips I'd really like to hear them.
Thanks for your advice I've started filling in the small claims court online, have you pasted the text of the DE offer in the description of your claim bit? I'm not sure how to word that bit of the claim.
No I haven't heard from Working Lunch yet, they said they would contact me Tuesday, I will leave it a couple of days then give them a ring.
I also contacted "Don't get done,get Dom" and sent him a photo, he hasn't rung !!
If I don't get a response I will make a claim through the court, I may even get in touch with a few local newspapers when I know the date it will be aired to let a few more people know what is going on.
I have sent you a PM with the wording I used.
Raych - yes I am in the same position as you. I applied for two at the same time in exactly the same way and got one (but only after contacting SM). Having two offers actually helps our case, as I can show to the court a precedent for 'one', so any argument about 'two' not being a valid claim would be difficult. So it may all come down to a defence of 'you can only have one cruise'. But there is nothing in the T&C that says this.
Raych perhaps you could PM me with any thoughts / evidence you may have to back this up.
I would like to thank LJayne 73 for the message about sending a further letter to the DE. I have now received my validation of claim letter and will hopefully go on the cruise soon. I originally got offered a caribbean cuise.
Perhaps you could post a link where we could log who has recieved a letter stating they have a valid claim and who has recieved one saying their claim is not valid.
Yes a good idea can we do that Luci please
I was one of the Libya cruise people so I actually have letters confirming my entitlement but that apparently does not matter to the DE.
I will be pursuing this through moneyclaim.gov.uk in the next few days.
Has anyone had a successful outcome from a court case yet?
Ivan - there have been several people who have posted on here who have been successful - Marcus was one some months back.
All - please if you have had an Accept or Reject letter can you go to the page just set up by Luci and show details. Will give us all a good picture and the more information at this critical stage the better.

I havn't posted for some time but have finaly decided to bite the bullet and take action against the D/E.
After being stung by the Fairpac fiasco

Amazing how they were able to reply to my request within the 2 week timespan set when it suited their purpose!.

So come on all you would be cruisers, Take the bull by the horns and if like me you are certain that you followed all the application procedures(remember Rise Travel was acting on the D/E behalf during the promotion!) get your claims in to the courts! I know it will cost me but there comes a time when enough is enough!.
My claim started being processed today and the case has been assigned to Northampton Court.I will keep you all informed of my progress.
Regards to all
Lets hope your christmass will be better than some poor others!
Paul M

I have been in touch with DE and they have now rejected my claim. I have added my entry to the new list.
I also phoned the woman in Marketing at DE, who originally took my name and post code and said she was passing to check vallidation. I did ask if she needed correspondence etc at the time and she said no. Today I asked if, following my non valid letter, there was anyone I could post my letters etc to so I could prove my claim was valid and she said no. She said she didn't deal with it, the letter was final and she couldn't put me on to anyone else.When I asked if the only way to take this further would be court action, she said I should do whatever I wanted.
So I think they have locked the windows and bolted the doors.
Perhaps we should go back to our original plan on our original thread of marching up and down outside their offices with placards

Raych - well done again. What was the background to the Dom interview & who are they?
Good luck all.

Just a quick update to advise my claim has been accepted by the court and DE have untill 10th Dec to reply. Will keep informed as to any further progress.

Best wishes to all,

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