Hi All H'avnt posted for ages but I still read all the messages. Good Luck
to all of you taking action against the DE.
I cannot believe that the DE were so stupid that they did not research the likely response before taking part in this offer.
There are thousands of us singles who resent all the extra supplements
we have to pay adding hundreds of pounds to the cost of our holidays.
This £10 offer was like a gift from the gods to us.
I've got the same defense as Wallecan they've just quoted the T and C as defense, I hope when I get a court date I will either be able to attend or write a statement for the Judge to look at in my defense asking what particular item in the T and C I didn't comply with and can they prove I didn't. That might help when my case goes to court again I will then know what part of The T and C they claim I didn't comply to.
My guess is that when DE took over this mess, the deal with the promo company was that they would supply a list of all who had applied, marked up as valid or not valid. So DE are relying on a flawed list which will be exposed in court. I am also guessing that this has financial implications on the 'deal' once they find out there are a lot more valid than they were led to believe.
We have not heard on HT from anyone with a 'Valid Letter' for ages - are you all off cruising somewhere

Hopefully, those of you going to court, have kept all the letters from R*** offering alternatives. This would indicate they, as DE agents, accepted that you kept to the T&C's.
Anyone thinking of trying for a breach of contract, that might make them think paying out the small claims court cases a cheap option!
You've have plenty of witnesses for how many T&C's they and there agents broke.
Not many of us that did get a cruise got it for £10 and I dont think anyone got a cruise in the stated time period.
** Edit to remove text due to copyright reasons. You can read the text in the link in the following post. luci HT Mod **
I think the web site you are referring to may be this one:
This gives links to all the relevant strands on ZDNet.
There is another discussion list, to which some HT members contribute, at:
Have a fun read,
You are absolutely the 'right' sort of person!
If you look at my long posting of 21st December 2005, I mentioned a man who was able to take his wife (in a shared cabin) for £250.
The logic appears to be this:
Book a cruise for one (when you can!) and once that's done, point out that the cabin has two bunks and ask if your husband can occupy the empty one. You can then negotiate on price (it's really only the extra cost of food that your husband will eat - which is very little).
Hope that helps.
I've had a look at their latest Annual report - all travel interests have been combined into a new company and some of Rxxxx's assets written off. They seem to have had recent promotions with HSBC and the Post Office.
** Edit to remove text due to copyright reasons. luci **
Similar ones with Little Chef and Sainsbury's also encountered the same problems of people not getting what they were promised. In all cases the excuse was that they had "underestimated the demand" for the promotion. Surely that was the whole point of the exercise? To get as many applicants as possible, so that the product enjoys increased sales. I sometimes wonder at the mindset of advertising people.
You can read the article in full here :-
** Edit to remove copyright material. luci **
I'm rather embarrassed to admit that I got caught a second time:
a 'free' Thomson's Med cruise through Landround - who quote the T&Cs as saying that places are limited and the promotion can be cancelled if over-subscribed (sounds like they've learnt from their competitor!).
Sorry but I should have pointed out the info re freebies with the certain Travel Agency was for background info, from 05 but it still makes interesting reading.
I was contacted today by Watchdog asking if they could do an interview over the web, unfortunatly due to work and commitments I wasn't able to assist at such short notice, hopefully they have been able to contact others who would be able to help.
I for one will definately be watching on Tuesday to see what news they have!
Regards to all

Can I kindly remind members that they may not copy or reproduce material from another website without the express permission of that website?
Can I kindly remind members that they may not copy or reproduce material from another website without the express permission of that website?
Whilst I am sure you are right as a general rule, I think that in this instance a quoted extract from the code monitoring committee of an industry self regulation body is allowable.

However, I am sure that my quotation is clearly 'fair dealing' within the meaning in the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (c. 48) which states that reasonable amounts can be quoted, so long as you are not making money out of the material, and "provided that it is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement". That is why I gave my exact sources - as I have also done here.
Best wishes,
Did any of you see the update on Watchdog, tonight, well i am really disgusted. all i received back ages ago was the offer of a Louis cruise, i was never offered an alternative and i have not recived the recent letter that the DE have said they have sent out. I shall write one more letter to the DE and then commence court action
Its a good summary of the current position. I understand that County Courts allow the use of a DVD player to show relevant information to the Judge. I will now arrange for a copy of this to be played in court as exhibit 1. when my case is heard in May. (Are there any copyright issues -maybe I should invite BBC along to film?)
I am sure there are still many people who need help & support to obtain their cruise. Please make yourselves known on HT as I think this matter will be drawing to a successful conclusion very soon and there is a lot of information available, which is not shown on these general pages.

I simply had to watch the update on Watchdog tonight, having been one of the three originally interviewed two years ago. And of course, I was one of the lucky ones who then got a superb Caribbean cruise in December 2005.
It struck me that the dates all sound so long ago now, and so many people are STILL waiting. Yet again, NO actual numbers are quoted. I cannot believe that the paper are saying that people who originally had the first letter offering a cruise, are being told that they do not now fulfill terms and conditions.
If the courts are the only way to proceed, then I hope as many as possible go for it.
Best wishes
Kay (Andy's Kay!)
I cannot imagine how any of you still waiting are feeling because I was incensed! NC more or less said that it was all over and done with!!! And that's that!!! At least that's the impression I got. The only thing different that I noticed was that they said the lady's claim couldn't be validated which is rather different from people getting letters saying their claims are invalid. Perhaps I picked it up incorrectly - did I?
I too got the impression that NC was saying 'tough luck - the paper doesn't want to play ball.' It was good that it had an airing again, as it may at least remind people what despicable treatment the DE has meted out to it 'loyal readers' but it certainly wasn't what I'd call 'investigative journalism.' Watchdog should have been aware that people are already going to court over this and that some cases have already been settled.

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