I watched the programme last night and agree DE are trying to wash their hands of the deal. To claim that they cannot comment due to confidentiality and each case will be deal with individually sounds of divide and conquer.
I think we all should email watchdog to let them know our individual cases.
Edited by
18 years 1 month ago
I taped the Watchdog prog last night and will use it in court if I can. I'm gonna email them and does anyone have an email address for Don't get done get Dom? I'd like to contact them cannot find a link on BBC website.
After a bit of googling around I have found that the company that produces Dom's programme is called Flame TV. Here is their contact details :-
And their website :-
Watchdog phoned me on Monday to find out if the DE had been in touch with me, I told them I had heard nothing at all since last year, looks like things are moving somewhere !!!!!!!
I also had a PM with an email address for Don't get done. I emailed watchdog too.
Have been wtahcing the progress on this for a long time now. I applied for 2 cruises and had letters offering me 2 cruises on Louis Cruises like everyone else it seems.
If anyone can give me anymore information on what I should do now it would be appreciated. I am just about to send my letter off to The Daily Express for what I guess will be a deadlock letter. Should I send 02 seperate letters as I have 2 seperate reference numbers or just 01 letter.
Has anyone had a successful small claims court claim yet?.
Any guidence would be appreciated and good luck to everyone one still waiting.
Suggest you send two separate letters by 'signed for'. Once you get the deadlock letters you can use moneyclaim on-line. It is a simple process.
There are several cases, including mine, due to be heard in the next few months so watch these pages for updates.
Good luck

Excellent advice from Wallecan. You could also look at postings by Marcus who has already had a successful claim which never actually got to court! You have a lot of reading ahead of you but I am sure you will find it worthwhile!
Oh, I forgot to say, treat each claim separately! Part of the original T & Cs stated that each application had to be sent in separately!
But can I just mention that for those pinning hopes on Watchdog please don't. I remember working for a bridalwear company featured on the show (twice)and whilst we were all running round like headless chickens in panic for the first show, it had very little effect on the business. There was no panic the second time we were featured because werealised that the show had become a bit of a joke! The format of the show is now just light hearted entertainment and not a serious consumer rights programme which is a real shame.
It's a pity the Scottish presenter who sometimes appears on GMTV cannot be persuaded to take up the issue - I can't rememer her name - Lynne (hyphenated surname ??) - she is like a terrier!
Good luck to everyone still fighting.
Check her web site and there is the opportunity to email her with an issue.
My own thoughts at the moment has anyone given them an ultimatium say 14 days from receipt of this letter.
1 Will commence proceeding in the small claims court. If you make this be prepared to follow it through.
I suppose it might also be possible to say if you do not provide me with a cruise as promised then I will book one and send the bill for payment within 14 days. A bit trickier I'll admit if you are in a position not to be able to pay for it.
I think that all of you have been patient for too long and my thoughts are with you all for a final and successful outcome.
I haven't been following the links recently as having taken DE to the small claims court for the 4 cruises I had applied, and successfully had confirmed, they settled the day before. I returned last night from a fantastic Red Sea Magic weeks cruise on the Thomson Celebration, and just wanted to let you all know that it is well worth the wait and persistence.
Some of you may recall me posting my story last year. Basically I went through the very simple on line small claims court process, and eventually they settled the day before. This was after they became exceptionally amenable and I managed to negotiate all cruises to be taken together, upgrades, drinks packages, and various other items such as choosing the cruise I wanted. You may not get the latter, but you should certainly get what you were promised, and they cover any costs incurred such as the small claims court costs.
Don't give up!!!
All the best
To those still waiting, looks like the only course of action now is through the small claims court like others have done, there must still be a few thousand of us still waiting .
It's a shame that no one has suggested an action group get together and lobby the DE in numbers,but I understand that quite a few of those waiting do not have computers and would find it very difficult to communicate with one another.
I will make one last ditch attempt to contact the DE and mention that if I don't get satisfaction or a date for my cruise then there would be no other way accept through the courts.
I see the Express are now offering "£9.50 Family Holidays". I wonder how long before that offer goes pear-shaped ?
I saw that offer too but I don't think I'd recommend anyone to apply in case the DE decide they have 'the wrong sort of family'
I wonder if they are using the marketing company we cannot mention.
Hi, I received a letter from DE in Oct telling me my cruise had been validated, and that I should now wait for a" few months" whilst they "prioritise my application for further investigation". I'm wondering how many others out there had the same letter, and how much longer they intend waiting?
Hi there- has anyone had a small-claim settled after they have been told that their application is not valid? I have had a letter saying that they have been unable to verify my claim and I am now considering taking action through the small claims court.
Thankyou Marcus for your post a few up from this one, you cheered me up and restored my confidence I have a chance of winning.
If any of you who've completed the allocation questionnaire required by the court would like to email me and compare notes I'd much appreciate it please.

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