Just returned from Turkey last night, we flew with Thomas Cook and I would be very couscous of flying with them again.
Paid for the extra luggage (20ks) other's on the flight (friends ) didn't pay for extra luggage and only had 15ks but had 20ks on their tickets , anyway on departing at Belfast our luggage weighed 21ks each so we were charged £8 each for being over, on the way back we discarded loads of stuff to make our luggage lighter at Dalaman (toiletries, beach towels, shoes etc ) didn't buy anything as it was our 13th time in Turkey and have bought it all before,
Guess what luggage was still 21ks and charged another £8 each on the way back.
It quiet clearly states at Dalaman that you have to get a receipt of the Thomas Cook rep for the money you pay, when asked for this she informed us that it wasn't them who charged but Dalaman airport, Check in operator said it wasn't them but Thomas Cook who charged for the extra luggage.
Have flown with many different airlines over the years to Turkey and including Onur air (gold trail) and have never had to pay anything.
Many people at the check in Dalaman had to pay a lot more than us, woman in front was 9ks over weight and was charged £80.