We have booked to go to this hotel next year (20th July) for two weeks.
There are four in our party Me the Mrs and the two blood suckers 10 & 14.
Just a word of warning when using the First Choice web site to book, the first room option it gives is a family room at £6464(ignore this), change the room type to two doubles and the cost comes down to £4646!!!!
Flights 08:25 from Manchester. It pays to take the kids as adults.
Anybody else going around those dates? Cannot wait
we have booked through eclipse. we go September 14th 2007, 2 adults, 1 child and got a free child place. 2 weeks only cost £1500.00!
No problem will give you the low down on the hotel when I am there.
As to the price eldest has to go as an adult and got youngest free child.
Seems a bit costly for us but hey ho.
Where are you flying from?
Next year is First Choice first year at this hotel and apparently they have
got 70% of the UK allocation for this hotel, how many rooms that is do not know.
Went to Holiday Village Viva this year in Majorca 4* Butlins!!!
Only been back a week and needed to look forward to a little more from
a holiday (snob).
We are also off to a holiday village this year, Pegasus Tropical Turkey, think that will be butlins in the sun too reading the reviews!
We went to The Cornelia Hotel in Belek last year, that was very nice , similar to the Delphin, though us Brits are in the minority in that part of Turkey, lots of rude Russians.
We have also found the Delphin in Thomas cook Turkey brochure, and have had a look at the hotels website, there are lots more photo's and it does look nice. Roll on 2007!!
Guess we will just have to put up with the Soviet Bloc ignorance!!
Do you know if there are any casinos in any of the other hotels or nearby?
I have heard they are going to try and make the Lara area one of the most cosmopolitan areas in Turkey.
I will be putting my review up as soon as we get back.
Went to can garden resort in side this year, new hotel, it was good but food could have been a touch better, but we didnt starve.
julie x
Must agree cannot wait to go. Checked out the reports on trip advisor and
they do look favourable. Guess we must be the first wave of brits to hit this hotel, lets hope they mantain the same standard for us as they have for all the other europeans.
Looking forward to your report
Not sure about Casino's, i think there is a small shopping complex outside the hotel, and Antalya is good for souveniers, i am hoping we can nose around the other hotels, think the Delphin is near to the Concorde which looks fab!
We are going to the Titanic on May 11th for 1 week so will be able to check out the area then!
Both hotels are a cabon copy of each other , both owned by the same company , same layout etc etc etc .
Here is the website if anyone is interested
the delphin resort hotel only has 6 flooors , delphin palace has 8 floors and gold domes on the roof, so think we have booked to go to lara.
Link to the Delphin at Lara, to be truthful it looks better than the other one.
Hi emmasholiday.I live 4Km. down the road from Delphin Palace.I do not think that you will be allowed into the other Hotels ( and there are many ) as they are all inclusive and all have Security Guys and Girls on the Gate.Yes, there is one small Shopping Bazaar but nothing else.Most of the Hotels along that strip are of good quality with Decent Food so I do not think you will be disappointed.Anybody bringing Kids should put loads on Creme on them as the sun is very deceptive here.Enjoy your Holiday in Lara Antalya.One last point your transfer on the Coach will only take around twenty minutes.
Thanks for your help, we are really looking forward to our stay.
can you tell me which other hotels are by the delphin palace, looking forward to june 2007.
thanks julie
You have the following Hotels on the same Strip.All are really Superb.
Kremlin Palace, Topkapi Palace,Concorde,Laras Park,Reva Deva,Titanic and many more.There were building some more but have not been down there this Summer so don't know there names or how far the work has gone.Enjoy next years holiday.
You also have the miracle resort hotel on the same strip,directly next door to Titanic ,mostly russian. israeli,belgian and danish, a beautiful hotel. I believe we where the only and possibly first Irish family there because the staff where always surprised when we told them we where Irish. We are thinking about going to Delphin Palace next year as a flight and hotel seperate package but the prices for hotel are not available yet. Stephen
going to be as good as their web looks. I have heard they are building a
new shopping complex nearby and should be open for 2007.
No reports from this year on HT and only 3 on tripadvisor (all favourable)
Cannot wait for July 2007, been back 2 weeks from this years holiday and
all it is is a distant memory.

Oh well I'll just have to keep lookin!
Roll on july can't wait!!!!

Diane x
Look forward to your review Diane, we go on 14/9/07 for 2 weeks.....................
hi we booked to go to the delphine palace in lara on 24th august 2007 booked with first choice 3287 sea view rooms for 5 adults and 1 child for a week flying from manchester cant wait

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