Goa Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Goa.
Thats great guys, her email is back on track, yes i heard from her and her husband Atul today (he is a very good gynacologist by the way!! :oops: I know because i took a Goan friend of mine to him, and also an english friend of mine used him for her ante natal care and birth and said he was marvellous)... I just hope i can still get my appointments now Soniya is becoming so popular!! :bawl
Hi chilly is there any chance when you see Atul will you ask is he taking on any apprentices (gynacologist) as i will be there in nov and wont have much else to do for 3 weeks so if he,s over run with work i am willing to help him out but i can only afford to pay him 1000 rupees a week :rofl :tup PS dont tell colleen :( :whoops :yikes .irishman slan(cheers)
:rofl OMG you had me going for a minute there!!! I was reading that with my mouth gaping open in shock!!!.. :yikes . till i fell in :duh
:rofl chilly
I had my teeth scaled and polished with her in March, I'm scared of the dentist and thought she was great. She also told me I needed 2 fillings next time. I asked her about teeth whitening but she said I didn't need it so she doesn't rip you off!
I have found that the cheapest way to get white teeth. Is to have them all taken out, and get a set of dentures. all you have to do is pop them in a glass at night, with a cleaning tablet. far easier.
Hi Chilly, 6 of us arriving on boxing day and 1 or 2 of us wouldnt mind visiting your dentist for some treatment. I have emailed herfor some details and hopefully a rough price guide. Thank you for posting the info
Hi billy bluenose she is great...O god at this rate i wont get in there myself!!! :D please mention i recommended you, she knows me as chilly
chilly x
got one word for you Chilly ............ commission :rofl
:rofl she is just a great dentist ....
Chilly we have had an e-mail from your nice lady dentist, Soniya, confirming our appointments for December. Thanks for the referral.
thats Brilliant Brenliz I am sure you will be happy with her
Chilly ;)
chilly i know you have said be fore but can you please put the link up for your dentist as i need to make appointment with her in Dec i am having probs with my internet at the mo . i am hoping to meet you when i am over as i have been 3 times and never had the pleasure.
many thanks chilly

Hi Pip the email address is soniya_gaunekar@yahoo.co.uk (she knows me as chilly too!! :D ) I shall really look forward to meeting you this time ... hopefully :)

Hi Chilly,
I just tried to email the dentist and it would not send it said something to do with it being yahoo .co .uk is there another email address i could try do you know sorry to be a nuisance and i know that you are on holiday but if you could help me out or any other kind soul out there that as got Soniya email Addy.

Many thanks

Your a star thanks very much :tup

sorry Pip.. only just seen your message, let me know if you have any trouble .. ;) thanks Brenliz i must have been having a blonde moment...thats unusual :rofl

Hi chilly i hope you are on the mend and yes the girls sorted me out, and soniya is sorting me an appoinment out. for the tusday we was hoping to go to calengute hospital fpr a full medical on the monday but they want to much info ie credits cards and such like over the net and we wont give them out over the net so need to sort that out.

oh thats great pip glad your appointment is being sorted, i am seeing Soniya on Monday for my appointment, the health check you can arrange the day before with little trouble or could last year at least as my son had it... not long now eh!! yes I am fine now thanks some Goa sunshine and massage ahh what more can i say ;)
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